The best fitness female diet plan for gaining muscle and losing fat

Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M.D.
To find an appropriate fitness diet, you must consider your sex, body composition, size, and metabolism, as each person is different. Women who practice fitness must find the type of diet that best suits them.
Below, I will teach you tips that you should follow, and everything related to the women's fitness diet.
What is fitness?
Fitness comprises any activity to obtain wellness and physical health. It combines cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and power with coordination, agility, balance, and precision.
Two concepts define it:
- The first is realized by the physical health and well-being obtained by leading a healthy life and exercise, and a healthy diet.
- The second definition refers to the set of gymnastic movements repeated several times a week to achieve a good physical build and performed in specific gyms.
Benefits of fitness
- It improves aerobic endurance by practicing a series of exercises several times a week.
- It increases the development of the cardiorespiratory system and, therefore, endurance.
- Also, it strengthens physical condition both inside and out, which raises self-esteem.
- It reduces the risk of developing diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, and various cardiovascular risks.
- You will reduce stress. You stay relaxed and are less prone to anxiety or depression.
Types of fitness
You can perform free or supervised bodybuilding and cardio activities. Within fitness, there are different modalities such as:
Non-choreographed activities:
- Flexibility: Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi.
- Strength: Pilates, Gap, tone power.
- Resistance: Cycling, indoor wall.
Pre-choreographed activities:
- Flexibility: Body balance
- Strength: Body pump
- Endurance: Zumba.
Choreographed activities:
Aerobics, spinning, aqua aerobics, step.
What is the best fitness diet?
Your diet and exercise regime is designed to improve the state of your body but reduce fat and volume, increasing the definition of your muscles. By defining your muscles, you eliminate excess fat in your belly, arms, thighs, buttocks, while increasing physical strength and endurance.
This diet bases on 2 pillars: daily nutrition and a physical exercise program.
Regarding nutrition, the fitness diet advises eating foods that provide the body with proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
Regarding physical exercise, the fitness diet suggests physical activities to strengthen muscles such as push-ups, squats, and weights, without forgetting anaerobic exercises to burn fat such as cycling, running, jogging.
For this diet to work, you must have willpower, dedicated time, support from your family and friends, the geographical location where you live, culture, and values. It also depends on your physical and emotional state and the professional sportsperson who designs the table of exercises that you will practice daily or the nutritionist who helps you prepare a personalized diet.
How should I diet to get a women's fitness athlete body?
The fitness diet for women is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It should include fruits, vegetables, legumes, oatmeal, and other whole grains. With this diet, you get the feeling of satiety, with good quality food, and you will over time form an ideal body.
Do not consume a lot of sugar, saturated fats, industrial pastries, commercial ice cream, or salt.
How a women's fitness diet should look
- The main objective is to eat clean and natural food. You should avoid excess sugar, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, and trans fats.
- You have to consume more protein and fewer carbohydrates than a normal diet.
- You must accompany the diet with weight training.
- It requires 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
How to start a fitness diet
Assume that you have to eat right
The secret to maintaining a good body lies in your diet, what it is you ingest and how you eat it. Some people think that spending many hours in the gym will gain muscle. However, if it is not accompanied by a routine of good eating habits, you will not have good results.
To work your body correctly and gain muscle mass, you must combine physical preparation and good nutrition.
Visit a nutritionist
Before starting a diet, it is of utmost importance that you visit a nutritionist. He or she will analyze your physical constitution and your state of health.
A nutritionist will give you an exact starting point and the path you should follow to lose fat and increase muscle mass.
Find out your caloric needs
This step is the most important and one of the most forgotten by people who want to gain muscle mass. There is no point in eating healthily and training hard in the gym if you do not consume enough calories to gain weight.
If you do not reach the number of calories your body needs to gain weight, your muscle mass won't increase. Your body fat percentage may decrease but you probably won't develop your muscle mass.
To find out how many calories your body needs, consider your height and current weight. With this, you will be able to calculate the number of calories your body needs.
Commonly to gain muscle mass, you need between 1800 to 2000 calories.
To calculate your caloric intake, depending on your goal, I provide you a calculator with the Harris-Benedict formula. It is very accurate and will help you reach your goal much sooner.
Eat fruits and vegetables daily
Whilst it is true that you should eat a lot of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, you should also eat fruits and vegetables every day. You have to accompany any fitness diet with fruits and vegetables, and also keep your diet as varied as possible to improve your physical condition.
Eat 5 to 6 meals a day
To gain muscle mass, you must ingest a large number of calories per day. Doing this in just three meals is practically impossible.
My recommendation is that you spread these meals out, leaving 3-4 hours between each meal. When you reach the calorie count that you need in a day, you have to stop eating. This hunger usually happens between the 5th and 6th meals.
Do not skip meals
This advice is fundamental. Do not skip any meal because it will be more challenging to reach the caloric intake needed to gain muscle mass.
Also, by skipping a meal, you will arrive hungry at the next meal, and you are more likely to be tempted to eat things you should not be eating. Finally, drink plenty of water during the day to purify the body and get more satiety.
Eliminate unhealthy foods from your pantry
To stay on your fitness diet, eliminate from your home and from your shopping list foods that are not part of your diet. If you do not have them in your home, you won't eat them.
Eat plenty of protein
A proper fitness diet has to consist of eating protein, healthy fats, and few carbohydrates. It would be best if you also implemented a weight-lifting routine. This way, the body will consume more energy and can assimilate protein faster.
With this high protein intake combined with heavy exercise, fat elimination will be fast, and muscles will develop sooner.
Your diet should contain whey protein, vegetables, and few carbohydrates. Include a daily protein source such as turkey, chicken, beef, or fish.
If you are hungry between meals, eat fruit
Supplement your diet with a few small servings of fruit after dinner or between meals. If you are hungry, eat small portions of strawberry, watermelon, or pineapple. Avoid eating cookies, sweets, or bread, unless they are part of your diet.
Be careful when cooking
Vegetables can be eaten in salads as well as cooked or grilled. To prepare meals, avoid using a large amount of oil since it has a lot of calories.
Use supplements
If your training is intense, think about including more protein powder and vitamins, amino acids, and glutamine.
These supplements are suitable for your body, as long as you do not take too much of them.
Avoid refined foods and sugar
Avoid foods containing excess sugar and refined grains in fitness diets. It is best to balance your diet to help you build muscle and look healthier.
You don't need to eat the whole world
Try to avoid eating far more calories than your body needs in a fitness diet. Otherwise, you are going to find something you didn't expect, like an unwanted layer of fat.
Get proper rest
Maintain a good rest habit, as leading a hectic day makes you want to eat more between meals and cause jitters and restlessness. Also, if you wake up during the night, you will be tempted to snack on something unhealthy.
Hydrate yourself
You have to keep yourself permanently hydrated by drinking plenty of water starting in the morning. Drink plenty of water before and after training. You should consume just enough during your workout, don't drink too much. Just a few sips will be enough.
Recommended foods
You have to eat lean proteins such as tuna, red meat, chicken breast, egg whites, proteins, whey, and fish.
Fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits are also essential carbohydrates to help muscle development.
Healthy fats
Consume monounsaturated fats such as those found in flaxseeds, avocado, olive oil, and walnuts. These fats help vitamin absorption, produce hormones, and improve the appearance of hair and skin.
I recommend consuming carbohydrates such as tubers like sweet potatoes and potatoes; also whole grain bread, sprouts, oatmeal, brown rice.
The best drink you can consume when on a fitness journey is water. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, do not consume artificially carbonated beverages, which contain artificial sweeteners and a lot of sugar, which tend to cause bloating.
Alcohol is also not suggested because it causes fluid retention and makes you bloated.
Foods to avoid in a fitness diet
Refined sugar
Consume less than you need, as table sugar does not contain any benefits for your body. Refined sugar contains only easily assimilated calories.
Replace it with artificial sweeteners, dehydrated fruits, stevia, among others. It is best to follow a sugar-free diet.
Ice cream
Commercial ice creams contain a large amount of fat that does not help you adhere to a fitness diet. This type of food does not satiate you and also has added sugars. I recommend consuming homemade ice cream without added sugar, for example, banana, cherry, coconut, or pineapple ice cream.
French fries
This food is addictive, and it can have a drug-like effect on the body. Potato chips contain a lot of sodium and fats that can be toxic. Also, they do not provide any nutrients or protein.
I recommend replacing potato chips with homemade snacks such as nuts, chickpeas, fruit sticks, or dried vegetables.
Refined or sugary cereals
It is widespread to eat commercial cereals for breakfast. These cereals contain a lot of sugar and palm oil, which does not provide any vitamins or nutrients to the body. Replace them with whole grains and natural, unprocessed cereals, combined with other healthy elements such as rice, oats, quinoa, or whole wheat.
Fitness diet plan for female
Now I am going to give you an example of the perfect diet to increase muscle mass. I will not provide quantities because they depend, as I said before, on your caloric needs.
Breakfast is the most important meal, and often we skip it because of the rush in the early hours of the day, but this is a mistake. Make a light and healthy breakfast, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and a little glucose, to maintain energy levels throughout the day, especially if you are going to train.
Some appropriate foods are:
- Protein and fat. An omelet with 3 egg whites and two whole eggs.
- Carbohydrates. Cereals in muesli or oat porridge or berries. Banana is very appropriate.
You can have a coffee with milk if you wish, but it must be vegan or skimmed milk. You must eat at least an hour before training.
The fitness diet should be varied so that you have less risk of getting bored, so you do not feel tempted to eat foods that do not help your diet.
Some foods that will be a staple in your diet are:
- Protein. Lean meat such as chicken, turkey, a little beef. Fish, especially bluefish, salmon is very suitable, hake and tilapia are also very good.
- Carbohydrates. Whole grains, potatoes, rice, vegetables such as onions, peppers, carrots, green beans, broccoli. A piece of fruit. You should cook all these foods with little fat.
- Fat. A handful of nuts.
Dinner should be light, especially for women who have a fitness diet. The caloric intake should not be more than 25% of your daily total. This percentage does not mean that you should stop eating. On the contrary, skipping a meal slows down the metabolism and hinders weight loss.
To prepare dinner, consume:
- Proteins. Poultry, eggs, fish (I recommend salmon).
- Carbohydrates. Accompany meat or fish with peas, green beans, pumpkin cream, eggplant, salmon.
- Fats. Avocado, a handful of sunflower, pumpkin, or chia seeds.
Snack number 1
You must consume some food alongside the three main meals if you want to gain muscle mass. You must leave aside industrial snacks, processed pastries, and other foods of this style. Some healthy snacks can be:
- Protein and carbohydrates. You can have a ham or tuna sandwich. Accompany with a piece of fruit or a raw vegetable such as carrots.
- Fats. Accompany this sandwich with a handful of nuts or whole yogurt.
Snack number 2
You can have this meal, for example, after training. If you do it, consume something to recharge your glycogen source.
- Protein. Chicken breast or tuna in its natural state. You can also have a protein shake.
- Carbohydrates. A cup of rice, some natural fruit juice.
- Fats. A spoonful of natural peanut butter.
If you are going to have this meal after training, the ideal period is 30 minutes for a post-workout meal.
Definition of fitness diet for women
Women have 13 to 15% more body fat than men. For this reason, it is more difficult for them to lose weight. A woman's diet to define muscles is hypocaloric and should be between 1500 and 1800 calories. You should also follow these guidelines:
- A good breakdown of your meals is 35% carbohydrates, 35% protein, and 30% fat.
- Eliminate salt from your food or reduce it significantly. Salt retains fluids, and to define your muscles, you must eliminate these fluids but don't forget to drink plenty of water.
- Eat 5 to 6 times a day between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without forgetting to eat something in the mid-morning and snack. Eat every 2 or 3 hours so you do not go hungry.
- Take supplements that help burn fat.
- Consume unsaturated fats that you can get in nuts, coconut oil, and fish such as salmon or tuna.
- You have to combine the diet with a proper weekly workout routine at the gym. It is essential to rest between your workouts.
After reading this article, you have learned how to have a beautiful and healthy body. You only have to follow these simple tips. You must follow a good fitness diet to achieve your nutritional needs and consequently perform better in your physical training.