Why hair thinning happens? 3 Reasons you DIDN´T KNOW

Our hair has a long and slow growth period: the so-called "anagen" phase that lasts an average of three years.
After the anagen stage comes to a transition phase, in which the follicle is inactive and undergoes a regression: the so-called "catagen" phase, which lasts an average of three weeks.
Finally, the "telogen" phase, in which the already dead hair falls out, thrown out by a new growing hair.
In any case, whatever the degree of hair loss, it is always necessary to determine a possible lack of iron or phosphorus.
Thinning hair on the woman?
According to ancient and modern scientific research, baldness represents the definitive healing of the hair, which atrophies and weakens slowly due to frequently alimentary causes.
A chronic infection destroys it. This infection comes from a parasite that attacks where the hair is weak. For such a pathology to occur, at least three factors are necessary together:
- Imbalance of the protein-fat exchange.
- The appearance of seborrhea.
- The action of a microscopic fungus called Malassezia furfur.
Protein-fat imbalance
Numerous studies show that nutritional factors influence hair growth, and relationships above all the protein balance (meat, fish, salted fish, cheese, eggs) to the three phases already mentioned ("anagen," "catagen" and "telogen") of hair nutrition, corresponding to the scalp.
The loss of pigmentation or natural waviness, fragility, lack of growth, decrease in diameter and quantity of hair. In the human being, these are symptoms of poor protein-calorie nutrition.
It is often the result of restrictive diets that lack certain amino acids (protein base substances) and vitamins.
Moreover, continuous stress and environmental pollution, in addition to the fashions of diets that are too rigid and, therefore poorly balanced, can contribute to the appearance of early baldness.
This early baldness has experienced a considerable and continuous increase in cases over the last twenty years.
Seborrhoea, the second important factor, provides the food on which the parasite can only develop, and in the absence of which it does not increase and therefore, cannot carry out its pathological action.
We can find the origin of these abnormal fats in an abdominal, digestive cause.
Any abnormal situation of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, appendicitis, etc.) or an irregular diet, can be found at the base or constitute the beginning of seborrhea.
Malassezia furfur
Then, on this "seborrheic" scalp, Malassezia furfur grows and spreads: harmless to other species, if found on human skin.
This parasite is capable of depriving a person of most of his hair within ten to fifteen years, provided that favorable nutritional conditions favor its development.
When the first poorly balanced diets begin to promote seborrhea, as early as age fifteen or sixteen, often with the cooperation of hormonal imbalances.
Malassezia furfur exclusively affects the surface of the scalp, dissociating the cells, then infiltrating them, each time advancing in-depth.
Shampoo and lotions to prevent seborrhoea and mycosis
Nourishing itself more and more with skin fats, the microscopic fungus penetrates and spreads successively through the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands.
The hair then becomes thinner, more fragile, less rooted in the scalp. Hair still tends to renew themselves, during some months, but increasingly more delicate and more vulnerable.
Then they fall out again, and this cycle repeats four or five times over ten to fifteen years until an occasional cause precipitates the outcome.
The occasional cause can be, nowadays, even too intense antibiotic therapy.
Based on all the above elements, we can conclude that therapy, and especially the prevention of baldness, is possible today. But they need a joint and parallel action against all the factors that are at their origin.
Such a form of prevention, which we must prolong for years, consists of correcting each abdominal, gastro-entero-hepatic alteration. Either through care with medicines or surgery, or by controlling the feeding, or by regulating the life system.
The elimination of Malassezia furfur is relatively easy, either by
- Washing the surface of the hair (shampoo).
- By friction of the scalp.
- Or with anti-fungal substances of a specific action, if it is still on the external surface of the affected area ("dry pityriasis" phase).
This cleaning must be repeated periodically for years, to eliminate the fungi that, from the environment, continuously re-parasitize the hair after its removal.
In these cases, prevention is usually sufficient. The situation is very different when the morbid condition has entered its second phase ("pityriasis seborréica").
In this state, the microscopic fungus has managed to enter the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands. In this case, sulfur products supplied internally can be useful and are eliminated through the skin. As well as simultaneous cleaning of the scalp with preparations containing colloidal or precipitated sulfur.
The protective function of female sex hormones
We repeat, however, that dietary treatment is essential, even concerning the presence of certain abnormal states of the digestive system.
Particular attention must be paid to dietary fats and, as we said at the beginning, proteins. But this is not enough.
Bearing in mind that women tend to go bald, in old age, with the same frequency as men. While she is almost entirely immune to it during the whole period of her reproductive age. Scientists venture the hypothesis of the probable protective role played by her sex hormones.
Thyroid hormones must also have something to do with it. Since the fats present in the blood usually decrease in hyperthyroidism and an increase in hypothyroidism.
As you can see, the issue is quite complex and is not yet all clear.
In short, to return to the specific dietary problem, the safest rule is not so much to reduce the fat content of the diet but to reduce the menu as a whole within reasonable limits.
Limitation, in practice, not only of certain foods that are dangerous for the hair (viscera, brains, egg yolk, etc.) but also of cooking in general.
We have to keep in mind that the diet should be as sober and modest as possible from calories, except in unusual circumstances of intense work, sports training, low environmental temperature, and similar.
Foods that are strongly discouraged include
- Canned meat.
- Canned products.
- Fried products.
- Heavy sauces.
- Oily fish.
- The milk will be preferable to consume it skimmed and in a moderate amount.
You can find more information on caring for your hair and body in general in our beauty section.