How do I start doing yoga? Yoga for beginners at home

Yoga is a discipline to improve the power of your body, release all the blockages from your body, and balance your everyday lifestyle. It is an art of healthy living and positive thinking.
Nowadays people are very busy in this changing world to get everything which is in trend, but they don't have enough time for their health.
The magic of yoga is that you don't have to be a perfect yogi or yogini to get the benefits of this. No matter if you are young or not fat or slim.
Yoga has the power to break the limits in your daily life, especially if you are a woman. You have a big to-do list for your everyday life, but you are not aware of your health.
That is the correct time to start yoga practice with your daily jobs.
Yoga for beginners
First of all, you don't need special classes, and you don't need to spend money for your classes, you can easily do it at your sweet home.
You just need to find a place for a yoga practice at your home. The location should be clean, quiet, and full of positive energy. Finally, you don't need particular types of equipment for your practice; all you need is a yoga mat and your spirit.
How to start yoga for beginners
- The stomach should be empty
- Hydrate well
- Wear comfortable clothes
- Leave your phone
- Avoid the practice during menstruation
- Don't force yourself
- Don't consume alcohol and drugs during practice
- Avoid the practice when suffering from fever or weakness
Yoga warm-up
Warm-up before asanas are essential to avoid any injury because your body is stiff and hard before the convention and it can be injured easily.
So you need to do warm-up exercises first to make your body a little stretchy and flexible. Here are some warm-up exercises-
- Jumping-jump on your toes, don't touch your heels to the ground and continue breathing.
- Waist rotation-rotate your waist clockwise then anticlockwise for 10sets.
- Twisting-twist your upper body left and right.
- Wrist rotation-make fist and rotate your wrist clockwise then anticlockwise. It's your choice to do it in a sitting or standing
- position.
- Hand rotation-rotate your hands fully clockwise then anticlockwise or ten sets.
- Neck movements-move your neck slowly to left and right, then bend your neck to your shoulders to left and right. Now slowly take a nice deep inhale and bend your neck back and exhale while moving your neck forward.
Yoga poses for beginners
These asanas are a complete yoga practice for beginners, especially for women. Move slowly and gently through each pose, aware of your breathing as you move.
Stop the practice after any pose if you find it challenging, especially if you feel short of breath, you can come back anytime and start again anytime when you feel comfortable.
Child's Pose
This is a calming pose and a good default pause posture. You can do a child's pose to rest yourself and recharge before continuing to your further pose.
It helps to stretch the hips, and release the stress and depression, the most effective pose for women because women have lots of stress and anxiety during their lifestyle.
How to do
- Kneel on the mat with your toes connected and your knees hip-level difference.
- Rest your palms on your thighs or relax your hands.
- On a deep nice exhale, lower your torso in the middle of your knees.
- Relax your shoulders and arms toward the ground.
- Hold in this pose for as long as you need it.
Do it:
If you want a deep gentle stretch through your neck, shoulders, spine, and hips.
Avoid it:
If you are facing knee injuries or ankle problems. Avoid also if you have a high bp problem or if you are pregnant.
If you want you can rest your head on a soft cushion or on the yoga block. You can also place a rolled towel under your ankles if you are feeling uncomfortable.
Awareness: be conscious of relaxing the muscles of the upper and lower back as you breathe in and release the tense out.
Downward-Facing Dog
Downward-facing dog is considered as a powerful pose. It strengthens the back, shoulders, arms while stretching the hamstrings, calves muscles and arches of your feet.
Besides, it can also help to relieve back pain.lots of women's fighting with back pain and lower back problems. It will energize the body, helps to relieve the problems of menopause, relieves menstrual discomfort.
How to do
- Begin with your hands and knees, relax your upper back, and stretch your elbows.
- Spread your fingers apart and press them through your palms and knuckles.
- Nice deep exhale and tuck your toes in and lift your knees off the ground.
- Press the bottom away from your palms and feet as you lift through your pelvis region.
Do it:
To reduce back pain, to get beautiful skin, and for energy.
Avoid it:
Avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist related problems, have hypertension, or if you are in the late stages of your pregnancy.
You can do this pose also with your elbows bent on the ground, will take the weight to your elbows, and will not give pressure to your wrist. You can also use yoga blocks under your hands, which is a more comfortable position.
Conscious of distributing the weight equally through your palms and lifting your back and hips, away from your shoulders.
Plank pose
It is the best exercise to burn calories. Plank helps to build strength in the core, hands, shoulders, arms, and legs. Reduce back pain, improves balance.
How to do
- Simply balance your body on your palms and feet, your spine should be straight.
- If you can not touch your heels to the ground, then simply lift your heels.
Do it:
If you are looking for a flat tummy and core strength, then this the best pose. It will reduce lousy body fat and heighten metabolism.
Avoid it:
If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. It can be risky on your wrists. You may also skip this or modify it if you have lower back pain.
You can modify planks by bending your knees on the floor. Awareness: when you are doing the plank, imagine that back of your
neck and spine and full body lengthening.
Cobra Pose
That is a back-bending pose, and it can help to strengthen the back muscles, increase back muscles flexibility and open the chest, stretches the shoulders and abdomen, firms the buttocks, stimulates abdominal organs, helps in sciatica, good for asthma.
How to do
- Lay down on your belly, place your palms beside your chest, feet flat.
- Now take a nice deep inhale and lift your chin, chest, and shoulders.
- Try to look up if you can not do it then simply look at the front.
- Don't force yourself, bend your elbows if you are feeling uncomfortable.
Do it:
The cobra pose is excellent for strengthening the back and reducing lower back pain.
Avoid it:
If you are fighting with arthritis in your spine or cervical, a low-back injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, and pregnancy then you should avoid this.
Lift a few inches more, and don't try to straighten your elbows and arms.
Awareness: focus on keeping your belly button drawing up away from the ground as you hold this position.
Tree Pose
Tree pose helps to improve balance and stability in legs, it can also strengthen the core, ankles, calves muscles, thighs and back, assist the body in establishing pelvic stability, reduce menstruation problems.
How to do
- Simply stand up and gently place your right foot over your left thigh, and balance on one leg.
- Gaze at a fixed point, gently make a namaskara mudra with both palms together.
Do it:
Tree pose is excellent for working on your balance and posture, strengthening the bones of hips and legs. Stronger the ligaments and tendons of feet.
Avoid it:
You might skip this pose if you have hypotension or any medical conditions that affect your balance for the posture and avoid it during high stages of pregnancy.
Place one of your hands on the wall for support if you can't balance.
Awareness: be conscious of your breath in and breathe out as you hold this position.
Triangle Pose
Triangle pose is an essential part of many yoga sequences and helps to increase strength in the thighs and stretches the hips, back, open your chest, shoulders, groins, hamstrings, and calves muscles.
It will increase the mobility of the hips and neck and sluggish digestion. And makes you strong as you have lots of works on your plate. After this, you will feel a deep relaxation.
How to do
- Begin with standing at the top of your yoga mat with your feet hip-distance open and your arms relaxed.
- Now the gap between your feet wide apart, about 4 to 5 feet.
- Check to ensure that your heels are in line with each other. Now turn your right foot out at 90 degrees.
- Turn your left foot slightly inwards. Your back foot should be at a 45-degree angle.slowly with a nice deep exhale place your right hand beside your right foot and You can also place your hand on a block and gently lift your left hand up to the ceiling.
- Your shoulders should be in a line, so your left shoulder is directly straight through your right shoulder.
- Now gently turn your head to gaze at your upper hand. Aware of your breath and gently feel the pressure over your back leg.
Do it:
This pose is excellent for building strength and stretching your whole body in a balanced way.
Avoid it:
Avoid triangle pose if you are fighting with a headache or lower blood pressure problems and high stages of pregnancy.
If you have hypertension, turn your gaze downward in the final position. If you have neck or cervical problems, don't turn your head to look up; look straight ahead and keep both sides of your neck and shoulders open, extended, and relaxed.
focus on lifting your raised arm to the ceiling. It helps to keep the pose balanced and correct.
Yoga relaxation techniques
You will get a better result of asanas after deep and true relaxation. As you are a superwoman nowadays, you are taking care of everyone, but you don't have time to relax, which is the most crucial thing in daily life.
Here is a guided deep relaxation technique
- Lay down on your mat with the backside, gently take a nice deep inhale, and then a deep exhale.
- Relax your whole body and mind. That is called savasana , the most challenging and most easy pose.
- Now gently move your feet apart hands apart and eyes closed.
- Gently feel your breath, focus on your breath, how your abdomen comes up with inhalation, and how it is going down with every exhalation.
- Feel every part of your body.
- Feel the bond of your body with your yoga mat.
After that:
- First, relax your toes.
- Relax your knees and your thighs.
- After that, relax your hips and your pelvic region.
- Relax your abdomen.
- Relax your chest, your shoulders.
- Then, relax your neck.
- Finally, relax your head.
Feel that you are relaxing your body, I am relaxing my toes, my legs, my body, my mind. Be aware of your breath. If you can't focus on your breath, then try to count every inhale and exhale in ascending order 1-100 then descending order 100-1. When you
complete it slowly, try to move your toes, legs, hips, abdomen, shoulders, head.
Now gently take a deep breath in and deep breathe out and gently move your legs together, hands beside your thighs, and open your eyes.
In this busy life, every woman needs yoga for a balanced life, fighting with depression, stress, and the heavy load of work. Yoga gives us lots of benefits from a little practice.
Being a woman is very difficult nowadays. It is very beneficial for women because lots of women suffer from heart diseases because of tension and stress. Yoga is the best way to reduce high bp and every obstacle from your life.
So hey strong women, let's start this practice without getting late.