How long does it take to get highlights? THE TRUTH!

Would you like to get highlights? If you're a woman, then I'm sure you know that the process of getting your hair highlighted is no small feat.
How long does it take to get highlights? First, you have to set aside 2-3 hours out of your day and come prepared with a list of questions so you can pick the best color for your skin tone. But don't worry, we've got all the answers to those burning questions!
The hair highlights process takes about 2-3 hours. Usually, you can choose two different techniques to get highlights. One is marking with a cap. The other is highlighting it with foil.
It depends on hair length. Hair's length and thickness play a role in how long it takes: Sometimes highlights can take up to 3 hours on medium-long hair and around 2 hours on short or thin hair.
Haircolorist specialty also makes a difference: An experienced hairdresser can complete the process of highlighting your hair in about 1 -1.5hours, but a beginner may need up to 3 hours.
- How long does it take to get a highlight on short hair?
- How long do hair highlights last?
- How long does it take to get blonde highlights?
- Types of highlights
- Are hair highlights permanent?
- Can I swim after hair highlights?
- How do I have to take care of my highlights?
- Which hair color is best to apply highlights?
- Do highlights damage hair follicles?
- Do highlights or balayage take longer?
- Conclusion
How long does it take to get a highlight on short hair?
When you get highlights on short hair, it is less time-consuming than those on long hair. Different hair lengths may be processed differently for color.
Depending on the color of the highlighting product and how porous your hair is, it might take longer to achieve optimal results.
A highlighting process takes 15 minutes to 1-3 hours. That depends on how tall your hair is. If you got the highlights with a cap, it would go faster if you used the same amount again.
However, every type of hair is different. For example, wrapping short hair is not the same as wrapping long or medium-length hair. And, it also matters what time processing has taken and how many bleaching products your hair colorist uses at any given time.
How long do hair highlights last?
It can take up to 3 months for your roots to show. Once they show, give your hair some time to recover from the bleach so you can get it cut again when needed.
Wait about three weeks, and you will be back to your standard color.
Highlighted hair can make you look like you've spent time on the beach or you just came back from a vacation. You can also go for more subtle highlights that you can maintain at home every day, yet they still give you that glow.
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How long does it take to get blonde highlights?
If you want light hair, then you should do a lightening treatment. It takes 1-3 hours. If the hair grows too long, a root treatment might be necessary. Choose a reliable hair salon with an experienced hair colorist for your first highlighting experience.
If you don't have that much time, you can go for lighter hair color. For example, if you originally had dark brown hair but wanted to lighten it and add some dimension and shine, you can use either ash or strawberry blondes. It will give you an ombre effect.
It is perfect for a long-looking hairstyle. It will also give you a volume you most likely have never seen before.
Types of highlights

There are two common ways to dye your hair. We call it foiling. We know the other as highlighting with a cap. Foiling is best for medium-length head hair, and highlighting with a cap works on a long mane. Unfortunately, these techniques take a while to develop.
The cap technique is quicker to set up because it is more complicated. But once the hair colorist does the setup, processing time with the cap technique will usually be shorter.
The cap technique can be complicated for people with long hair to use.
People with curly hair need to be extra careful when highlighting. The curly hair can split when the hairstylist exposes too much heat or color. If you have curly hair, take it slow when getting highlights for the first time.
Foiling method
How do you highlight hair with foils? You must first apply a lightener to your hair to make it work. Using low volumes is best for dark hair, easily damaging lightning.
After this process, please choose the color that will go into your head and start applying it on the strands of your head that need highlights.
You can either use a brush or a bottle cap to distribute it on your head. The latter makes the process faster but challenging for those with long hair.
We recommend it for those with somewhat short hair, this way as it is quick and easy.
After all that, you need to wait for another 30 minutes so the product will affect your head correctly.
It is advisable not to touch or play with your hair while waiting, so you can achieve an even color.
After this time has passed, you need to check if the hair color has been appropriately deposited and rinse it off with cold water.
How long should the Foil Highlights process take?
The highlighting process takes about two hours, and dark roots can become visible after a while. Deep condition your hair every month, and do it even more if you need to.
You need to wash your hair every other day. The process with the shampoo takes about 2 hours. For the hairdresser, it takes 5 minutes to do highlights in your hair.
Cap method
How do you highlight hair with a cap? It begins by applying foil on sections of the head, working from front to back. Next, a cap with holes where the hair strands go through, separating strands better than a brush or comb.
The highlights can be applied in 1-2 hours, depending on how long it takes for your hair to process.
It takes time to apply highlight colors because there is a maximum cap limit. They are usually used to long hair.
You can use only one color at a time, so it is best to do this in sections.
It takes about 1-3 hours to complete applying highlights with a cap on your entire head. Then, you will have to wait for another 30 minutes before rinsing the colors out of your head with cold water.
It is advisable not to touch or play with your hair while waiting, so you can achieve an even color.
After this time has passed, you need to check if the hair color has been appropriately deposited and rinse it off with cold water.
Are hair highlights permanent?
Hair highlights do not last forever. Hair highlights are good for you if your hair grows on its own. However, you should check to make sure that they stay in.
Deep conditioning treatment is essential to keep your hair shiny. However, you have to check the color regularly because it could fade too much or not enough.
You can see damage during the first month if you do not apply hair care products that highlight your hair. That will help protect against this damage and breakage.
Can I swim after hair highlights?
No, chlorine water can damage your hair. Experts recommend waiting seven days before you get in the pool.
When your hair falls from your skin, it turns green when the sun shines on it. So before you go for a swim, soak your hair in tap water first.
How do I have to take care of my highlights?
You have to use unique products if your hair suffers any damage. You should not wash your hair too much or color it weeks after doing highlights.
It is best to leave the colors on your roots and use a dry shampoo for between washes. You can also get two different colors if you want, but this will require frequent touch-ups.
A hair mask is an excellent way to ensure healthy hair after the highlights. You should use this product at least once a week.
Which hair color is best to apply highlights?
If you are blonde, choose bleached hair with light brown roots. If you have brown hair, go for darker colors like red or blond.
Dying your hair with lighter colors is not recommended for dark-haired women because it will make the result even more visible.
If you want to go blonde, choose ash colors. If you want red highlights, use warm colors like golden blond or copper. But, of course, dark hair has to take a pure white color for the best result.
You have to wash your hair every other day. The process with the shampoo takes about 2 hours. For the hairdresser, it takes 5 minutes to do highlights in your hair.
Do highlights damage hair follicles?
Yes, but it will not be that much if you moisturize your hair enough and wear a cap when using the highlights procedure.
The entire process takes about 3 hours. The color lasts only three months on average. Also, make sure to get treatment for your hair once a week or use a good mask from time to time to keep them healthy.
There will be no damage if you use good products and take good care of your hair after the procedure.
The entire process takes about 3 hours. The color lasts only three months on average. Also, make sure to get treatment for your hair once a week or use a good mask from time to time to keep them healthy.
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Do highlights or balayage take longer?
One of the latest trends in hair color, balayage, entails painting individual strands with different colors to create an ombre effect.
The process takes longer than other highlighting techniques because it involves going through every inch of your length—and that can be challenging for those with shorter locks!
But if you're ready for some extra time commitment or wishing out on top of pricey fees? This style might work perfectly well alongside all those fancy layers we've got going down at home these days.
White or grey hair requires care by applying the color you choose to all strands of hair you want to highlight. When you color your hair, you should make sure that you will not damage your scalp or skin because you can become sensitive.
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Highlights are a great way to add dimension and color without going light. However, it takes about 2-3 hours for your hairstylist to apply highlights, so it's important not to schedule too many appointments back to back (unless you want that platinum blonde).
Remember, the most common rule of thumb is never more than four shades different from your natural base color, or they can start looking fake.
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Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M D.