The best leg and buttocks toning exercises at home

To keep your buttocks and legs in shape, you do not necessarily have to go to a gym. But what are the best exercises for your buttocks and legs at home? Based on my extensive experience, I can give you all of my knowledge:
The most highly recommended exercises to do at home focusing on the legs and buttocks are those where you work the entire lower body. The most effective exercises are squats with different variations, lunges, pelvic lifts, and also exercises that combine chest exercises with jumps.
To build those legs and buttocks that you dreamt of at home, you can practice a series of exercises that I shall explain in detail later. The exercises presented are the best ones for toning and achieving perfect buttocks and legs.
Best home exercises for toning legs and buttocks
- Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, with each foot parallel to facing forward.
- Bend your legs, lowering your buttocks toward the ground, keeping your feet motionless without lifting your sole.
- While you go down, your back must be kept straight, with the knees and hips bent.
- Doing this movement correctly, your knees should not go beyond the point of your feet.
- When you reach the bottom (try to make a 90º angle with your knees), stay in this position for about 2 seconds.
- When pushing back up, the weight must fall on the heels and not on the toes.
- When you return to the initial part of the exercise, squeeze your thighs and buttocks, and then repeat.
Jumping Squat
The idea is to perform a regular squat but introducing a jump as a variant.
- To do this, stand as you were with the normal squat position.
- Then you bend the knees until the thigh and calf reach an angle of 90 degrees.
- In this position, try to make a jump and join your legs and feet.
- Repeat this movement 15 times. I recommend pausing with your legs bent for some seconds on the last repetition.
Overhead squat
This is a squat with weight above the head. Ideally, stretch your arms in a V-shape and shoulders above the head. The gluteus will be the area that supports the load of the rise and fall of the squat. It is recommended to master the conventional squat before adding weight to it.
Squats with dumbbells
- Stand up, take a dumbbell in each hand.
- Place your feet wider than shoulder-width.
- Keeping your back upright and core braced, move your bottom backward, lowering your legs until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
- This movement is quick and then returns to the starting position, making sure that the knee is always pointing toward the toes.
- Your head and chest should face forward.
This exercise is similar to squats but has a greater level of movement. It is performed by working the quadriceps (muscles of the front of the thigh).
A daily routine that includes lunges has the advantage of toning different muscle groups, not only the legs and buttocks and it also improves resistance, balance, and coordination.
- To do this, stand with your feet together with your back straight.
- Then perform a forward stride with one leg while the other knee goes down, almost reaching to the ground.
- Hold the leg used for the lunge at a 90-degree angle during the descent.
- Return to the starting position and redo the movement with the other leg.
Side Lunges
This exercise is a variant of the lunge, but instead of striding forward, this time, go sideways.
Your back must remain straight, looking forward so that you can perform the exercise correctly.
Reverse Lunges
With this type of lunge, the striding leg will not go forward but backward. The angles will be different, and you will work the gluteus, quadriceps, hamstrings, and other muscular groups.
Static lunge with dumbbells
- To perform this, stand up with a dumbbell in each hand and your back straight.
- Then place one leg forward and lower it by supporting the knee of the other leg.
- The leg that is ahead should be at a 90-degree angle when the descent occurs.
- Then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Walking Lunges
Perform this movement similar to the regular lunges. The difference is that instead of returning to the initial position when you go down, you will get up and complete the next lunge with the opposite leg while advancing forwards.
Lunge with support or Bulgarian lunge
- You can stand on a chair or a bench to perform this exercise.
- You have to leave the back foot on the support (chair or bench) and lower that knee as you lunge forward to the floor with the other leg.
- The front leg should bend at a right angle when you come down.
- This exercise is done several times on each leg.
You will incorporate several movements into this exercise, including press-ups, squats, and vertical jumps.
- To perform this exercise, the initial position is squatting, putting your hands on the floor, and keeping your head upright.
- Then move your legs back with your feet together and do a chest bend.
- You will have to keep your back straight and touch the ground with your chest in this position with your feet out behind you in a press-up position.
- Then, pick up your legs to return to the initial stage.
- Finally, lift your whole body with a vertical jump, raising your hands, you can give a pat above your head.
- Remember when landing; do it as gently as possible.
- Then you return to the squatting position to repeat the exercise.
Exercises for calves with Calisthenics (physical activities with one's body weight)
Calf Raises
- The calf raise is a simple movement where heel lifts are performed.
- If you want to increase the effort, place the front of the foot on the edge of a step and when you make the downward movement, lower the heels as much as possible.
- Try to hold this position for a couple of seconds at both the top and bottom.
- You can use both feet at once, or do one foot per set.
Tiptoe Jumps
This exercise consists of making small jumps with the tips of the feet. The idea is to remain on your tiptoes during the jump. You can even do it when your feet remain in contact with the ground.
Jumping steps
Place one foot on the floor and the other on top of a step, and then jump while switching legs sideways. This exercise is very demanding if you do it with the right intensity for 1 minute.
Jumping Jack
- With a straight back, bring your feet together and place your arms to your side.
- Then you make a jump and open your legs as wide as possible, wider than your shoulders while raising your arms above your head.
- Bend your arms a little until you almost slap them over your head.
- With another jump, return to the starting position.
Jumping rope
This is a fast and intense way to work the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and buttocks. These muscles will be worked hard due to the constant rebounds made when jumping the rope as it is a continuous exercise.
Box Jumps
You can do this exercise on a bench, a step, or a box. With this practice, you work all the muscles of the lower body and the core.
- To do this, you stand in front of a box with your legs together.
- Then you do a squat to start the movement and jump high enough so that both feet land on top of the box at the same time.
- Then, jump down, bending your knees to cushion the fall.
Exercises to tone the inside of your legs.
- To do this exercise, stand up with your legs shoulder-width apart.
- Point your feet slightly outwards for greater balance.
- Bend your knees with your back straight as if you were going to sit down, then start descending your body using your hips.
- Try to make your thighs parallel to the ground; with the lower legs pointing vertically.
- The lower legs and the foot must form a right angle.
- Keep your back straight and look forward all the time. You have to align your head entirely with your spine.
- To ascend, lift your shoulders and hips at the same time, keeping your back straight.
- When you return to the initial position, will repeat this movement.
Stand in front of a sturdy, tall bench or a chair, at a height that you can bend one knee at a 90° angle and then stand on it, supporting your body weight.
- Start by placing your right foot on the bench and work your way up using your thigh and buttock muscles' strength.
- Stretch as much as you can to make your legs as straight as possible.
- The left leg should not touch the bench, but you can tiptoe.
- Keep this posture for a few seconds, and then go down slowly.
- Repeat this exercise five times with that leg before changing to the other one.
Back Kicks or Donkey Kicks
- Place yourself on all fours, squeezing your stomach and raising your right leg to the level of your hips.
- Bending your knee, kick upwards as if the sole of your foot touching the ceiling, or backward by stretching your leg so that it is straight.
- In both cases, you must maintain this position for a few seconds.
- Do eight repetitions and change legs.
- If you want to have more resistance, you can use ankle weights.
Curtsy Lunges
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your knees so that your body descends, crossing one leg behind the other as if bowing.
- This movement must be slow and deliberate with a pause at the end.
- Return to the initial position and repeat with the other leg.
Half squat Lunges
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Instead of going down to the ground, you will step forward with one foot as much as you can, trying not to lose your balance.
- Keep your shoulders above your hips.
- The leg behind you should also bend at the knee so that it touches the ground.
- The front knee should not exceed the line of the toe.
- Next, return to the initial position and repeat this exercise with the other leg.
- Make the same number of repetitions on each leg.
Gluteal squeeze
- Get onto all fours, squeezing the stomach in and keeping the back well aligned.
- Then lift your left leg until your knee is the height of your hips.
- Squeeze your buttocks for three seconds, then go down to the initial posture.
- Repeat this exercise 15 times before passing to the other leg.
Plank with a gym ball
- Place yourself face down on the ball, supporting your abdomen and pelvis.
- With your legs elevated, extend them upwards, activating the lumbar zone's muscles and the buttocks.
- In order not to lose your balance, keep your hands on the floor and face forward.
- Try to maintain this position for 45 seconds without falling sideways.
- Then rest for 10 seconds between exercises.
- Perform three sets of 15 repetitions each.
Triceps Dip with tapping hands on the opposite foot
- Place yourself on your back on the floor, with your hands on either side of your buttocks facing towards your feet.
- Raise your body with your knees bent and with your feet on the ground.
- Then bring one leg towards you with the opposite hand touching the tip of the foot.
- Return to the initial position by changing arms and legs.
- Repeat as many times as you can in 1 minute, then rest for 20 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 3 more times.
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Leg and Butt Workout Plan at Home
Since you know which are the most effective exercises for the legs, I am going to give you a simple routine to do at home.
How to do buttocks at home quickly? To train your legs and buttocks effectively and in a short time, the most advisable thing to do is to reduce the rest times between sets. By decreasing the rest time, the intensity with which the legs and buttocks work increases and give the same effect as a longer workout.
Finally, my recommendation is to do this routine three days a week, alternating a rest day between them. If you find that it is too easy, my advice is to increase the sets and repetitions. You can also add another exercise.
You may be interested in "The best legs and glutes workout routine for women at the gym."
These exercises are the best to perform in the comfort of your home, so you never have to leave it. Performing these exercises regularly will keep your buttocks and legs in shape.
Finally, I want to tell you that you will achieve your goals as long as you practice them with perseverance and discipline. And remember that you are beautiful, but you will become even more so.