The 10 best home exercises for glutes to Sculpt the perfect Butt!

Nowadays, many women, are interested in having a better body. They want to be more toned, have a smaller waist, and improve every aspect of themselves that they can. The main concern is to maintain good glutes, and that is why we have decided to help you with this guide.
You should bear in mind that achieving firm buttocks not just about exercising. You must change your lifestyle and diet as well.
All of us have dreamed about having a good body and astonishing legs and buttocks. However, it is not only this part of the body that must be worked on to have great legs. It is necessary to exercise the whole body.
Why is it important to work out the glutes?
One of the advantages of working the buttocks is that you gain power for other parts of the body, so it is a fundamental area.
Glute training is vital for improving sports performance and having correct pelvic alignment. Muscular buttocks help prevent knee injuries and strengthen the lower back muscles in all sports and lifting exercises.
We will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of working the glutes and the care you must take:
- Aesthetics. Having a firm and rounded buttocks will give us a much more aesthetic and healthy appearance.
- Agility and security: The benefits of having firm buttocks are not only aesthetic! It is one of our body's fundamental components to make movements with ease, skill, and security.
- It improves sports performance. The gluteus improves and increases the performance in all sports. They enhance speed, power, and agility. By better stabilizing the trunk, we decrease the risk of back injuries, among others.
- Prevent injuries. Having muscular buttocks strengthens the entire lower back area. It also helps to avoid knee injuries during lifts.
Note: The workout's intensity depends on how much time you apply force or tension to the muscle.
- Fatigue. When training this muscle, you will feel significantly more tiredness than in other exercises you do. We know that doing these exercises is hard and sacrificial. The lower part of our body is an area that supports the whole body’s weight and endures great tension. When you subject your legs and buttocks to too intense a workout, you will need more oxygen and blood in the area. This happens because they are huge muscles, and you work out a more significant number of muscle fibers.
- Discomfort. If you have a joint injury or have vulnerable joints, you may have knee discomfort. It can be a persistent pain because the knees are in tension during the whole movement. You can also suffer pain if you do not train properly by making your knees work and not your muscles.
- Back pain. We can suffer back pain if we don't work out properly. That usually happens when we use bar loads (such as squats) and don't perform them correctly. Poor execution can cause damage to the cervical vertebrae.
- Dizziness and hot flashes. If we train too hard, we can get dizzy. The muscles of the buttocks and legs are huge and require much effort with each workout. When we demand extreme action from the body, our oxygen level and heart rate can be affected.
- Cloudiness. This point is directly related to the previous one. The disproportionate effort is one of the causes that can lead to dizziness, excessive tiredness, and blurred vision.
How to maximize glute growth
Now I am going to give you the best recommendations for achieving rounded and firm glutes.
Do not overtrain
Although it may not seem logical, working the buttocks every day is not recommended, as they say, "you shouldn't train your buttocks too hard or too frequently." Doing it every day doesn't guarantee you'll have a bigger butt. This muscle, like any other, needs to rest a minimum of 48 hours to grow. By training frequently, but not daily, we attain excellent results quickly.
Train your whole body
As we mentioned before, only exercising the buttocks is not healthy. Do not leave aside other parts of your muscles, such as your thighs or upper body. To promote an aesthetically beautiful and balanced physique, we must train the whole body.
Train with the correct technique
In order not to cause pain in the knees, it is essential to know the correct posture. This posture is (for instance, in squats) to put the feet parallel, legs a little apart. When you bend your knees, you should not pass the points of your feet. You must keep the good alignment of your back; keep it straight as you do the exercise, as if you arch it you could suffer injury.
Place the load properly
If you want to avoid back pain, it is key to know how to position the bar or the load you put on it. You can also place a cushion around the bar to help absorb the force.
Eat well
If you want your butt to grow and avoid dizziness and blurred vision, you must consume the energy that your body needs before performing the routine.
Train smartly
How to activate buttock growth? The key to stimulating and activating the glutes is to focus the muscle's exercise; the mind-muscle connection is essential to achieve this. We can trigger muscle growth with moderate or no-load as long as the glute is working.
We can reduce loads and rest between sets and repetitions to recover our normal state and make the body perform and recover better. You will also have more strength to continue training.
Control the changes
To increase motivation, and encouragement, a great stimulus is to take measurements often. Sometimes, while doing these exercises, we do not realize the change that our physique is undergoing. That is why it is good that every time you take measurements to see the results. If you notice changes, you will know if you are doing a good job, which will encourage you to keep doing it.
Take pictures
Taking pictures of yourself is also a valid motivational technique, but I recommend not to do it so often. It would be best to take a shot every 3 to 6 months. That is an adequate amount of time as the results will be visible in a few months. Don't think that you will change from one day to the next. If you make a before and after comparison, you will see the achievements you have made.
Set a goal
Setting a goal is also a good way to motivate yourself. Do not set yourself an unattainable goal. You have to set yourself an objective that you can achieve with relative effort. That will ensure that you are not discouraged and continue to make progress.
Be constant
The time you dedicate to your routines is not as important as the consistency. Not only should you be constant in the exercises you do, but also in your diet. It is not enough that you want changes, but you must be persistent in your routine and eating. Always remember this; be consistent and try to enjoy the process as well.
Use weights
Few people know that light gluteal exercises are useful for toning and not for increasing muscle mass. If you want to gain volume, you must put on weight and eat a diet rich in protein. You must consider that when adding load, you should do it gradually so that you do not get injured.
Give your buttocks a rest
How many times a week should you train your buttocks? As we have already advised, the muscle must rest so that it grows.
Specific training of the buttocks stimulates muscle growth. When the muscle fibers are at rest they grow. Try to train your glutes in three sessions weekly, resting at least one day between them so that this repair can happen.
Drink while training
Never stop hydrating by leaving it until the end of your session; it is healthy to do so during exercise.
Pay attention to your breathing
Do not forget to breathe during each exercise; sometimes we do not consider, or we forget our breathing; taking air in and take out during the workout. Remember that we must exhale when we make an effort, and in the negative movement, we must inhale. Breathe well in every exercise!
The ten best exercises for the glutes at home
Here is an exercise routine that we recommend. Many gyms, parks, and exercise centers closed during the pandemic, and we should stay home. That's why we had to make home gyms.
What we recommend below is a routine to keep you active while you stay at home. You will be able to keep up with doing the best exercises for your glutes and keeping your measurements trending in the right direction.
Before starting to train, please pay attention to this chart. Here you will see how to work out according to your level.
Squats are perhaps a complete exercise for working the entire lower body. When we descend, make an angle with the legs a little bit less than 90º, which trains the gluteal area much more.
Squats also help muscle growth because this type of exercise helps produce somatropin (growth hormone) by the pituitary gland. This hormone will make the muscles in your buttocks develop and harden faster.
- To do squats, we must use the correct technique:
- Stand up with your legs separated at shoulder height.
- With your back straight, slowly lower yourself until your knees are bent a little over 90º.
- Go up slowly until you return to the starting position.
- When you are up, squeeze your legs and buttocks tightly.
Lunges are also a great exercise to strengthen the buttocks and thighs. You can use dumbbells if you find that you perform this movement easily.
To do lunges:
- Stand up with your legs slightly apart.
- Advance your right leg and bend it while your left leg remains in the starting position.
- Return your right leg to the starting point.
- Change your leg by doing the same movement.
Glute bridge
Of all the exercises I will explain in this mega tutorial on how to train your buttocks, it is perhaps the one that works your butt the best. I love the glute bridge because you can do it anywhere.
The trick to making this exercise more effective is to tighten the buttock muscles at the top of the movement. If the glute bridge is too easy for you, you can increase its difficulty by placing weight on your pelvis. This way, you will gain strength and gain muscle in the whole area behind your legs and lower back.
To do the glute bridge:
- Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent, reaching an angle of 90º.
- Don't move your feet away from your buttocks, don't bring them too close either, focus on getting the right angle.
- Make sure your knees are in line with your ankles.
- Raise your hips until you can make a full contraction in your buttocks.
- Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Side lunges
Lateral lunges are also a great movement to work the whole thigh area and the three muscles that make up the buttocks (major, minor, and medium buttocks)
- Stand with your legs slightly apart, shoulders back, and hands together.
- Take a stride to one side; when you complete it, you should have your knee and ankle in line.
- Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Curtsy lunges
Curtsy lunges mainly work the gluteus maximus and minor but also include the extenders and rotators of the thigh. This is a straightforward exercise and particularly good if we want to get rounded and firm buttocks.
To do courtesy strides:
- Stand up with your legs slightly apart and your back straight.
- Take a lateral stride making sure you have your knee aligned with your ankle.
- Turn your leg as if you were returning to the starting position but crossing it behind you with a bow.
- Return to the starting point.
- Do it with the other leg.
Back Kicks or Donkey Kicks
Back kicks or "donkey kicks" is an exercise with which you will work and tone your buttocks and isometrically the back of the thigh (biceps femoris).
How to do the exercise correctly:
- Get into a quadrupedal position.
- Lift your right leg as if you were going to kick it to the sky.
- Try not to lift the thigh higher than the torso because you could compress the lower lumbar discs.
- Return to the initial position.
- Change your leg by repeating the movement.
Frog pumps
Frog pumps are a similar exercise to the glute bridge and just as effective. The difference is that it is essential to do this movement with good technique.
To do frog pumps:
- Place your back and feet together with the soles attached in a froggy position.
- Lift your hips until you can contract the gluteal muscles at the top of the movement.
- Do not lift your upper back at any time during the exercise.
- Return to the starting position.
- If you find it too easy, you can add difficulty to the movement by putting a dumbbell on your lap.
Banded lateral walk
A side stride with a band around the legs takes the lateral stride to the next level. This exercise is highly recommended for people who already have a medium to a high level of training. There are several types of bands; you must choose those that have adequate resistance for you.
Execution of the exercise:
- Stand up with the band around your body at thigh level, a little above your knees.
- Stride to the side at a 90º angle with your leg.
- Keep your back straight during the whole movement.
- Push yourself up again until you return to the initial position.
- Repeat with the other leg.
In this exercise, we activate almost the whole body, but mainly it will work the lower part. Also, depending on the speed with which you do the repetitions there is an aerobic effect, which will help you burn fat.
Execution of the froggers:
- Squat like a frog with your palms resting on the floor.
- From that position, jump back to an abdominal plank position without taking your hands off the ground.
- From that position, return to the starting point with another jump.
- If you want to burn fat, do the repetitions quickly.
- If your goal is to gain strength and size, do it more slowly.
Single leg glute bridge
- This exercise is a much harder variation than a regular glute bridge. With this exercise, we can focus much more on each buttock. If you find it too easy, you can add difficulty by putting weight on your pelvis.
- Lie on your back in the same position as the glute bridge.
- Lift one leg straight up in the air.
- From that position, push up firmly with the pelvic floor.
- Keep your hips level throughout the movement.
- Do the same repetitions with both legs.
How should I work out my glutes?
Follow an exercise routine that helps you stay active during the pandemic to build up the habit.
This applies to any person who has experience in exercise or even if you don't usually do much but want to look better.
A 30-minute workout three times a week is what your body needs to improve flexibility, develop muscles and buttocks, and above all, release some stress as well.
Warming up and stretching
Warming up is particularly important as it helps prevent us from injuries and start the routine with our body prepared. This way, you will get the most out of every exercise. You can do stretches between series.
After warming up the body, the real exercises begin. You should also apply these tips if you intend to go to a gym.
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What to eat to grow glutes?
For muscle growth in the gluteal muscle and the whole body in general, one must have an adequate caloric intake and combine macronutrients to achieve muscle gain. For muscle growth it is recommended to distribute macronutrients as follows: protein 25-30%, carbohydrates 55-60%, and fat 15-20%.
If you want to have better buttocks, exercise is not everything. You must change your diet; you must include protein in your diet to gain even more volume. Here are four foods that cannot be missing from your life.
- Eggs. They cannot be missing from your diet, but you cannot over-eat them either; they are essential because they have a high concentration of healthy nutrients and help the body with the perfect protein.
- White meat. The most common are turkey, rabbit, and chicken. They are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and have little fat. These meats, besides helping us gain muscle, also contribute to fat loss.
- Fish. My recommendation is that you eat any fish, even the fattiest ones are very healthy. Fish is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and are low in calories.
- Rice. Rice (as long as it is whole grain) is rich in protein. It can be a perfect dish to eat before going to the gym since it will give your body more energy.
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To conclude, we explained the advantages and disadvantages of working the buttocks, you know you can't train them every day because it can be counterproductive. I gave you the best exercises to strengthen them and keep them firm. I added that you know you must work on your diet to have the most amazing buttocks, include eggs and rice in your diet. It is much better if you eat them before going to do your exercise routine.