What should I eat to make my hair thicker and stronger? 10 superfoods

Have you ever wondered what you should eat to get thicker and stronger hair? Every woman has a different type of hair, and if she loses 100 hairs a day, it is considered normal, and almost always, those hairs grow back. The problem lies in the change in the delicate, brittle texture and the amount of hair lost exceeds 100 a day. After a thorough team investigation, this is what we found out:
Hair health depends on the genetics, age, health, and diet of each person. If we want to have strong and healthy hair, it is essential to consume a balanced diet rich in biotin, vitamins, and minerals; these elements are crucial to stimulate the hair follicle's growth and strength.
But don't worry because below, we will give you many tips on what you should take to keep your hair strong and healthy. We'll also show you what home remedies you can use to strengthen your hair.
Why does hair fall out?
Hair grows about 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) a month, about 6 inches (15 cm) a year; our diet determines much of it. Although in the case of a woman, there are more factors that I tell you below:
Hair loss in females can be due to different factors such as genetic inheritance, aging, hormonal changes that occur after childbirth or during menopause, and taking some medicines or suffering from diseases such as anemia, lupus, thyroid conditions.
Androgenetic alopecia is the leading cause of hair loss in women and one of the most common chronic dermatological problems. This alopecia does not attack the hair's frontal line, but it produces a thinning of this hair, replacing it with shorter ones.
What is the cause of hair loss in females? There are also other factors that I'm going to list below:
Poor nutrition
That is perhaps one of the most common causes of hair loss nowadays—the lack of healthy habits where food is inadequate and insufficient in nutrients.
Hormonal factors
There are hormonal factors such as menopause or polycystic ovary syndrome. When you suffer from one of these factors, your hair thins significantly. It also influences the rate of hair growth.
When you have a lot of stress (psycho-emotional stress), you cause your hair to fall out, influencing the scalp's blood flow. To avoid hair loss caused by stress, try to rest, and find ways to relax if you want thicker and stronger hair.
Thyroid problems
What thyroid disease causes hair loss? When women are over 50 years old, some develop a disorder of this gland. The thyroid is the gland responsible for producing hair growth and strengthening.
Thyroid hormone is essential for the hair follicle because it promotes its development and maintenance, which is fundamental for hair health. When we suffer some disease that affects the thyroid hormone, such as thyroiditis, nodules, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or goiter, hair quality is deficient.
Why does psoriasis cause hair loss? When the scalp suffers from this condition, hair loss occurs.
According to different scientific studies, a percentage between 50% and 80% of people with psoriasis have their scalp affected. Hair loss in these patients is usually caused by the trauma of scratching and the inflammatory process that causes psoriasis.
Does lupus cause hair loss? If you suffer from this disease, the body's immune system attacks healthy tissues, resulting in hair loss.
A comprehensive scientific study states that Lupus Erythematosus affects the scalp in 30% to 50% of patients suffering from it. It produces slightly inflammatory lesions; in lupus's following phases, hair loss can progress until it becomes permanent and irreversible.
With iron deficiency, hair loss occurs because blood flow in the scalp is affected. Try adding foods that contain more iron to your diet.
According to the JKMS (Journal of Korean Medical Science), iron deficiency can play a role in hair loss, especially in pre-menopausal women. In this study, the scientists found that hair loss was slightly attenuated by providing iron supplementation to patients.
Excessive weight loss
When you lose weight too quickly, you can lose hair. That happens because you prevent your body from having the nutrients to keep your hair from falling out.
Lack of sleep
The lack of sleep that contributes so much to weakening hair. A study conducted in 2017 showed that lack or interruption of sleep could lead to health problems such as
- Stress.
- Hair loss.
- Lower quality of life.
- Mood disorder.
- Cognitive problems.
- Memory problems.
- Lower performance.
- Somatic pain.
- Lower school performance and poorer psychosocial health in adolescents.
Excessive heat
Another factor that also makes hair weak is inappropriate products or direct heat to the hair from irons or dryers—applying too much heat results in hair breakage and loss.
Studies have shown that the natural cortex that covers the hair becomes damaged as the temperature increases. Using a hairdryer at a short distance produces hair damage; if we separate it at a distance of 15 cm from the hair and moving it all the time causes less damage than natural drying.
If you use gels or sprays, don't let your hair dry because it will harden and be more likely to break.
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What to eat for hair growth and thickness
Now we're going to tell you a series of foods that you should eat to get thicker and stronger hair.
Carrot is rich in vitamins E, C, potassium, and beta-carotene. That is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and gives the carrot its orange color. Beta-carotene is converted into a vitamin by the liver, producing the oils found in the scalp.
Legumes provide a large amount of an amino acid called cysteine that increases the synthesis of proteins that help hair growth. They also provide:
- Proteins.
- Iron.
- Biotin.
- Zinc, which strengthens the hair follicles and hair shafts, preventing the hair from starting to break.
We can find these nutrients in peas, beans, chickpeas, lima beans, or any of these vegetables that grow in pods.
The egg is one of the best foods for hair health because it contains vitamin B12. This vitamin nourishes the hair and gives it a freshness and the egg yolk, which is rich in fats that naturally increase hair. It strengthens our hair follicles, the nutrients in the egg work as a conditioner to increase the hair's shine, volume, and texture.
Water is essential to prevent dehydration that causes hair breakage, excessive hair loss, and tangling. It also helps combat a lack of hair growth. To get the right amount of moisture into your hair, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
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Fruits rich in vitamin C
Vitamin C promotes hair growth and keeps it healthy. The vitamin C contained in fruits is essential for the production of collagen. It keeps hair and skin healthy and has to soften moisturizing and follicle-strengthening properties. Some of these fruits rich in vitamin C are oranges, lemon, or grapefruit.
Natural yogurt is one of the foods that provide more ingredients to nourish hair, both inside and out. When consumed regularly, it makes hair look beautiful and healthy. Yogurt is ideal for dry and lifeless hair caused by coloring and excess from straighteners and blows dryers.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are what give life to hair, keeping it silky and shiny. If your hair is dry and dull, it's because it lacks this ingredient, as they feed the hair follicles stimulating hair growth. You can get these fatty acids in fish, such as canned sardines or salmon.
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Green vegetables
Vegetables with green leaves are ideal for hair care since they provide vitamins A and C to stimulate the secretion of indispensable substances for keeping hair naturally hydrated and make it thicker and stronger.
Among these vegetables are spinach, lettuce, chard, watercress, broccoli. The more intense the green color is, the more benefits it will bring to the hair, such as nutrition and strengthening.
Dry fruits
Nuts contain selenium and vitamin B in high proportions, which prevent premature hair loss and graying. Some of these nuts are almonds, walnuts, and peanuts. Be careful when consuming them because they are very rich in calories.
Whole grains and cereals
These foods are rich in vitamin b5 and inositol. Inositol is considered by dermatologists as one of the best nutrients to stimulate hair growth, hair loss, and prevent baldness.
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Home remedies to strengthen hair
Different products on the market stop hair loss. You should know that we can also turn to natural products that we have at home. These can be very effective in strengthening the hair.
Olive oil
The antioxidant benefits of olive oil help to nourish the hair in depth. It has many properties that allow for shiny, robust, soft, thicker, and stronger hair.
- To make this remedy apply two tablespoons of olive oil to the hair.
- Put on a shower cap and wait 10 minutes for the oil to penetrate the scalp.
After that time, wash it off as usual.
Green Tea
Green tea provides a large number of antioxidants to the body when consumed. When applied directly to the scalp, it helps strengthen the hair follicles and helps reduce hair loss.
To obtain its benefits, apply cold green tea on your hair when you wash your hair as if it were a tonic.
Honey contains many nutrients that help strengthen and add volume to your hair.
- Apply some honey to your hair and massage with your fingertips to spread it over the entire surface.
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse and wash with your regular shampoo.
It is a food that contains a lot of vitamin E and D, which are indispensable for strengthening the hair. To obtain all its properties, consume it. If you want it to be more effective, apply it as follows:
- Beat an egg in a bowl and then use it to the hair with a gentle massage.
- Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water before washing.
Egg whites
Egg white contains albumen, which strengthens the hair from the root. To be applied to the hair:
- Beat four egg whites and spread all over the scalp with soft massages.
- Leave on for approximately 30 minutes and then rinse.
- Then wash hair as usual.
Garlic is widely used to accelerate hair growth, fight dandruff, moisturize dry strands, and strengthen hair.
To use it, cut the garlic in half and rub it gently on the scalp. If your scalp is sensitive, it can sting or burn. If this happens, eliminate this treatment immediately.
Coconut oil and flaxseed shampoo
These two ingredients are useful to help in strengthening the hair. To get their benefits, you will use:
- Coconut oil.
- Linseed shampoo.
- Orange peel infusion.
- Mix with a mixer the oil, the shampoo, and the orange peel infusion.
- When this mixture is homogeneous, apply this balsam after washing the hair as if you were using a mask.
- Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.
- You can apply this mask every time you take a shower.
Onions are beneficial when hair loss is due to dermatological problems. Thanks to its large amount of sulfur, it also promotes blood circulation in the scalp.
Modes of use:
- Blend the onion to extract the juice that you can apply later to your head.
- Understand this throughout the hair.
- Let it work for 30 minutes and then wash it as usual.
- I recommend using this treatment a couple of times a week, at least three months.
Green cabbage
If you make a mask with the green cabbage, you will help prevent hair loss.
- To achieve this result, chop the raw cabbage and soak it for at least 1 hour.
- After that, please put it in a blender until it forms a paste.
- Apply this paste on the scalp as a mask.
Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is a plant that is very capable of regenerating the skin. It also helps to stop hair loss when it is due to dermatological causes.
- To obtain its benefits, apply the plant's gel directly to the scalp.
- Massage your scalp gently.
- Then let it dry and rinse with plenty of water. You will have to apply it daily.
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Beet is a food with a high content of vitamins and minerals, which strengthens the hair.
- To use it, apply the root of the beet cut in half directly to the scalp three times a week.
- If the hair gets a little color, don't worry, it will go away quickly when you wash it.
The best vitamins for hair growth
Now I'm going to give you a list of the best vitamins for thicker and stronger hair.
Vitamin B12
This vitamin allows you to have healthy and robust hair. When there is a deficit of this vitamin, it causes gray hair and hair loss.
For this vitamin to be better absorbed, you will have to increase your intake of iron and vitamin C. You can get it in beef, seafood, fish, and eggs.
Biotin is known as the hair's vitamin because it helps hair growth as well as strengthening it. You find it in foods such as almonds, hazelnuts, and nuts.
Vitamin C
This vitamin increases the immune system, helps stop hair loss and dryness. You can find this vitamin in fruits like tangerine, grapefruit and lemon, oranges, strawberries, and vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, and celery.
Vitamin A
When there is a lack of vitamin A, it increases the hair's dryness and contributes to sebum production and increasing hair loss. You can get this vitamin in melon, milk, egg yolks, and spinach.
Niacin or vitamin B3
This type of vitamin strengthens hair growth by improving circulation in the scalp. To have more effect, mix it with biotin. You get this vitamin in green leafy vegetables, in the seeds almonds, and carrots.
Vitamin E
Significantly improves hair quality and enhances scalp circulation. We can find many vitamin E in carrots, vegetable oil, nuts and almonds, avocado, and tomatoes.
Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)
Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss and minimizes hair color loss. It is extremely beneficial and useful if you want to have thicker and stronger hair.
Vitamin B7
It helps your body produce fatty acids, from which the hair follicles feed. When the hair follicle is well nourished with these acids, it will get stronger and grow faster.
To get thicker and stronger hair, you should follow a more nutritious diet to avoid the lack of nutrients that cause hair loss.
To strengthen your hair, you will need to maintain a healthy diet rich in B vitamins, nuts, legumes, and vegetables. Also, consuming the main hair vitamin known as biotin, which helps keep healthy and strong hair, doesn't forget to moisturize both the inside and outside of your hair. It would be best if you also avoided the direct heat of irons and hair dryers.