What happens to your body when you exercise every day?

What happens to your body when you exercise every day? When we want to lose weight, we think that if we train every day, we will manage to lose weight faster.
Besides, the obsession with exercising every day leads us to have negative consequences for our body, which we will explain later in this article.
On the contrary, we also think that it will be better to gain muscle mass. Even if we chose the right workout for us.
What happens to your body when you exercise every day?
We have to tell you that our body doesn't work that way, what we are doing is making a big mistake, and we will have negative consequences.
body when you exercise every day
Now we are going to see the negative consequences caused by exercising every day.
Decreased muscle mass
The muscle will not grow and will reduce due to a lack of rest (essential for muscle hypertrophy).
Bigorexia or Muscle Dysmorphia
Bigorexia is a psychological disorder called Muscular Dysmorphia or Adonis Complex, where the patients see themselves as weak and with few muscles.
Consequently, this leads them to spend many hours in the gym and observe themselves with their diets. People with this disorder want to gain muscle mass because they have a distorted image of their body.
They have low self-esteem, have a distorted image of their body, and are dependent on physical activity.
Also, they become obsessed with their diet, which affects their social life because they do not want to eat out, and they tend to look at themselves in the mirror all the time.
Running addiction
Running addiction is associated with overtraining syndrome. That obsession leads the person or athlete to train a lot, reaching a loss of notion where he places the running (running activity) above his family, friends, work; it becomes the essential aspect of his life.
A person with this addiction has the following signs:
- He or she wants to go for a run without caring that he or she has an injury, in pain, with skin abrasions, whatever he has he doesn't care because he or she needs to run first.
- Running is the most important thing, whether it's over your family, friends or work.
- Anywhere you are, it is suitable for running.
- He or she thinks there is no better sport than running.
- He or she delays any invitation to go running first, and if he doesn't, he feels depressed, anxious, or irritable.
As a consequence of this disorder, you will fall into overtraining by not complying with the rest and recovery phase.
Exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis
Rhabdomyolysis is a clinical syndrome characterized by injury to skeletal muscle where the cell membrane breaks down and releases its contents into the bloodstream.
These substances are harmful to the kidneys. The disproportionate intensity of eccentric exercise causes this disease.
If you want to avoid it, it is advisable to perform controlled exercises under optimal conditions.
Incorrect technique, excessive exercise, and not resting well are all factors that produce muscle or joint injuries.
Too much exercise causes an overload of free radicals that different damage types of body tissues, leading to premature aging and disorders in the body.
Heart problems
Over-exercising can be harmful to the heart. When done at high intensity, it increases the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke in patients with a history of heart disease.
Importance of rest when exercising
Rest is of utmost importance, a fundamental factor in intensifying the effect of sport, thus ensuring that the muscle rests and can recover to avoid future injuries.
The ideal is to exercise 4 times a week approximately, in sessions of 30 minutes. If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to train five times a week.
If it is the first time you are going to work out, you should start by doing it three times a week and then increase it until you reach five times.
Even if you practice Fitness, it is not necessary to train every day for the muscles to grow. On the contrary, if you do it, you will produce fatigue in the muscles and stagnate, delaying their growth.
When they start training, many people make a big mistake, thinking that exercising every day is going to get more muscle mass, and it is false because they need to rest to activate muscle growth.
How long does it take for the muscle to recover?
Allowing the muscle to recover helps us minimize injury and will produce maximum growth of muscle fibers.
Muscles can recover in a period of 48 to 72 hours. It all depends on the rest you give them the food you eat, the quality of sleep, and the training you do.
What happens to your body when you exercise every day? It is essential to balance the number of times you train, the food you eat, and the rest time you drive to have good physical results. It does not understand why you will get tired or injured, so the muscle you want to achieve will not have positive results.
When we have a weak immune system, excess exercise and lack of rest cause problems in the body and manifest in colds, flu, headaches, and more severe illnesses. Any excess is harmful to health.