How can I lose weight and keep it off naturally?

To lose weight and lose weight effectively, you have to go into a caloric deficit of 500 calories a day. For example, if you have to eat 2000 calories to maintain your weight, you should reduce that intake to 1500. To keep your weight, you need to consume the necessary calories for this purpose.
To calculate the calories you need, I recommend our article. How many calories should I eat per day? You will find a calculator that will help you to know your recommended caloric intake is.
Losing weight quickly at home is not easy. The most logical thing is that you accelerate the process by running, swimming, or walking. In a week, you will start noticing results.
What do I do to losing weight? Counting calories? Diet? Exercise? First, you have to know that 50% of women regain in six months the weight they had lost so hard, and more than 25% have followed so many diets that they have lost the count. Why does this happen?
First of all, you have to know that when you weigh yourself, you see the excess fat, when you look at the result you know the weight of:
- Muscles.
- Bones.
- Organs.
- Body fluids.
Waste (what you have in your intestines that you have not yet expelled.
The weight variation we see on the scale is usually from the amount of water, glycogen, or waste we have. Losing body fat takes much longer. To achieve this, we have to create a caloric deficit (consume fewer calories than we spend), the number of calories we have to intake. We can quickly know using a calorie calculator.
You can also use strategies that are so fashionable nowadays and useful ones, such as intermittent fasting.
Don't you think it is possible to achieve our goal, we are going to give you some advice that works.
What can you do to lose weight and keep it off?
1-Lose fat with fat
Don't you believe it? Just as there are different types of fat in food, we also have two types of fat in our body: the white one (it is an energy reserve in the form of fatty acids that in case of need are metabolized to obtain food in the form of glucose for our cells.
In men, it accumulates in the abdominal wall and women in hips and buttocks) and the brown or brown (this fat is good because it is full of mitochondria or parts of the cells that help generate heat, when activated they can help burn 20% of the body's calories.
Exercise is one of the best ways to get brown fat in our bodies. In a study, scientists at the Harvard Dana-Farber Cancer Institute found that exercise releases a hormone called Irisine, which turns white fat into brown.
Exercise for half an hour at least five days a week to raise this hormone and lose excess weight.
2-Lose Weight with Vitamin D
Taking this vitamin every day will help us lose weight. A study at the University of Minnesota found that people who had a daily vitamin D supplement lost more weight than those who did not.
Other research says that vitamin D appears to increase leptin's effectiveness, a hormone that signals the brain that you are full.
3-Control Your Emotions
You go out to dinner with your friends, you don't feel like dessert, but they order it and ask you to join them, and you say what the hell and you order a tiramisu, did that happen to you, then you feel guilty.
In a recent study, women, and men who regularly experienced negative emotions like guilt, anxiety, and anger, and were impulsive and disorganized, tended to gain more weight than the rest.
We tend to do what the rest of the group does, if you feel pressured, tell your friends politely but firmly that you are ok and no longer hungry. Stay firm, and your friends will get the message, and you will be sure that more than one person will join you in your weight loss efforts.
4-Chew Slower
Most of us eat fast, chewing each bite only a few times, so we eat more food than we realize.
Try eating slower. In one study, people who chewed each bite 40 times ate 12% less than those who chewed only 15 times.
Dr. Cypess says that chewing more seems to stimulate the intestine to produce the peptide hormones that suppress the appetite.
The more you chew, the more thoroughly the food breaks down, which can release nutrients into the blood faster and give your brain time to register that it is full.
5-Move yourself More
Despite what most people think about losing weight, it's not just about exercise, but about moving more in general.
The physical act of sitting or lying down can speed up your body's production of fat. Relaxing on a couch or in a chair helps you gain weight and helps you lose weight.
Sitting in a chair for eight hours or more, you have to move. Dr. Richard Atkinson, professor of pathology at the University of Virginia, recommends getting up and walking for five minutes at least once an hour. Talk to a co-worker instead of e-mailing him, go to the bathroom.
Just standing up involves a lot more muscles than sitting down, at home, watching TV, getting up and moving around during commercials, going to the bathroom, getting water, and whatever you can think of. These short exercises can help you burn 148 calories per hour.
6-Lose fat, even when your body doesn't want to
More than half of the population has an "obesity gene" associated with a 20-30% risk of gaining weight. That doesn't mean your destiny is to be obese.
Research by the prestigious Endocrine Vidhu V. Thaker for Harvard University found that only by believing you have that obesity gene you tend to engage in unhealthy behaviors. That makes us more prone to obesity.
A Harvard University study found that exercise can be a win-win for your genetics: physically active people with the obesity gene are less likely to become obese than those who don't move.
We're not talking about training for a marathon; active people only get one hour or more of moderate to vigorous exercise a week.
About five hours a week (three days of cardio and two days of strength training), and you will further accelerate your weight loss results and get that beautiful body shape you desire.
You may find that maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging or even more difficult than losing it, but it is more important because it will determine your long-term health. Now I'm going to show you the tricks I use to maintain my weight.
7-Don't skip meals
Skipping breakfast, dinner, or even lunch is a bad long-term strategy. The only thing you're going to do is increase your hunger.
You should avoid this if you want to maintain a healthy weight. In general, we recommend eating three main meals and two healthy snacks—one in the mid-morning and one in the mid-afternoon.
8- Eat natural, whole and varied
These are my golden rules for knowing which foods to choose. They are simple mighty:
- Natural means you should avoid processed foods as much as possible and even more so ultra-processed, yet light, low-fat, etc. They have reduced quality fat and sugars, replaced by natural choices.
- Whole means that you eat foods with fiber. This way, you will improve your digestive flora and increase your satiety, among other benefits.
- Varied means making sure you get all the nutrients you need, don't make the mistake of eating the same thing every time. As healthy as it is, if you limit yourself to the same nutrients, you will not always have as active a metabolism as you should.
9-Be flexible
By flexible, I mean, you can apply the 80-20 rule, where 80 percent of the food must be natural and healthy, and the remaining 20 percent can be cravings.
The idea is not that it is restrictive or prohibitive as this generates intense and negative emotions about eating. The idea is to have a flexible but clear-cut broad vision. That is to say, that 20% of allowed cravings should be 20% no more than that.
10-Do exercise
Being physically active is part of a healthy lifestyle. Not only because it helps you gain muscle mass and activate your metabolism, but because it has many other long-term benefits:
- It regulates stress and anxiety.
- It improves your mood.
- Finally, it helps level cholesterol and blood glucose, among other benefits.
I recommend that you exercise at least three times a week doing the exercise or sport that you like the most.
Don't just focus on what works best for you. In the long run, doing what you like will be more fun and motivating, and you will be able to maintain this habit in the long term.