Secrets of how to get rid of dark circles fast, the most complete guide

como eliminar las ojeras

How to remove dark circles?

The dark circles are one of the main protagonists that ruin our beauty and aesthetics in the face, to have in the eyes those slices or big black bags, is disturbing and frustrating.

Generally, this is associated with not sleeping well, because not sleeping the corresponding hours, our eyes do not rest enough and tend to "sink" so to speak, giving the effect of dark circles.

how to remove dark circles under the eyes

Stay with us, in this new article we will explain everything about dark circles, how to eliminate eye bags and home tricks, or natural origin, more recommended to remove dark circles and bags.

Table of Contents

Causes of the appearance of dark circles

Before we recommend the best method or treatments to remove dark circles, you should know a little about their origin and why or how they appear.

Although many people associate or think that dark circles and bags are synonymous, in reality, they are two very different things, but they go hand in hand in certain aspects.

How to remove dark circles quickly

Dark circles under the eyes are usually the product of a casual lifestyle. But don't panic, it doesn't necessarily mean you're not in good health or living an unhealthy life.

On the other hand, we have the bags; the bags, unlike the dark circles, are not entirely associated with sleeping little or much. Instead, they are because of symptoms that can govern our lives, for example:

Dark circles and bags in the eyes are created by:

Poor feeding.

If you don't eat enough carbohydrates, vitamins, or corresponding proteins, your body will aesthetically bill you.

Besides, if you eat a lot of junk food, eat a lot of processed foods, or eat foods that contain coloring or artificially made chemicals, this will increase your chances of getting dark circles under your eyes.

If you want to get started in healthy living and proper nutrition begin by reading our article "The best 22 foods for our health according to science".


These two things are very harmful and toxic to our body, if you are a cigarette user, what we recommend is that you stop immediately. Tobacco has compounds that affect not only our lungs but also our skin and, therefore, our eyes.

Tobacco not only accelerates the appearance of cancer, but it also causes a decrease in the creation of collagen. In addition to this, it causes our body to decrease vitamin A in our skin, making it weaker and less hydrated.

Lack of hydration.

Causes of the appearance of dark circles or bags

Causes of the appearance of dark circles or bags
Keeping ourselves hydrated is fundamental and almost indispensable for our organism and our kidneys. Without water, we could not live, and the constant absence of it takes its toll.

If we don't drink enough water, our eyes won't be able to stay moist and start to generate more humidity than they should naturally have. That increases the chances of producing dark circles and bags.

Drinking Alcohol.

Alcohol (beer, wine, whiskey, gin, etc.) produces hormone levels too high. It also dehydrates our body, which involuntarily forces the eyes to generate liquid — accelerating the chances of dark circles or bags appearing in the eyes.

Dry eyes.

What happens when we have lost hydration in the area. If you have been ill, have been stuck for many hours on the computer. If you have been using your smartphone or watching television in the dark, you will likely suffer from dry eyes. (Those red, brittle eyes) Increasing the appearance of dark circles.

Water accumulation.

That's right, thanks to these three protagonists. Your beauty is in danger of being altered by the appearance of dark circles and bags. Consuming too much water can also be harmful because you will be giving too much moisture to your eyes.

The reason why dark circles appear is that the area of the skin, where the eyes are, tends to be very sensitive (like any part of our body skin), this is very delicate and affects in any way our beauty.

If the skin that covers your eyes has too much humidity, it will begin to generate a "Sink" in the eyes, and therefore, the higher the water, the greater the dark circles.

Sleep too little or too much.

Little sleep causes dilation of the blood vessels and swelling of the eye contour area. It also causes that unsightly dark color under the eye.

Also, sleeping too much will increase the water produced by your eyes, making it more likely that dark circles will appear in a short time.

Old age.

The passage of time also affects the area around the eyes. Over the years, we are losing the ability to generate elastin and collagen. It is also a very demanding area for more than 20 muscles, and about 9,500 blinks daily.

These reasons, plus the fact that this area of our face has few sebaceous glands, makes it deteriorate over time.


Allergies can cause ringing when we are in contact with or ingesting allergens. That causes the blood vessels around our eyes to swell, causing dark circles under the eyes.

These dark circles caused by an allergen factor usually have a dark color due to the venous alteration of the skin and hyperpigmentation.

Hereditary factors.

This type of dark circles or bags is inherited from previous generations by our genes. We genetically inherit a higher concentration of blood vessels in the area, higher hyperpigmentation, or too thin skin in the area.

But: Not everything is lost! Next, we'll tell you the natural, homemade tricks for removing or removing dark circles under the eyes.

Tricks and home remedies to remove dark circles and bags

These homemade tips can help you quickly disappear bags or dark circles on your face.


The kiwi is very useful to treat problems of dark circles or even bags under the eyes. This remedy is completely natural since the kiwi is a natural berry.

  • You should store the kiwi in the fridge and wait long enough until it is cold.
  • Once cold, cut it in slices and apply it over the eyes, covering it for at least 15 minutes.
  • Let the cold take effect on the slices, and you can massage the eyes a little with the slices to get the maximum beneficial effect. Leave on for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Apply every day if necessary.


Chamomile is an effective remedy for removing dark circles under the eyes quickly.

Chamomile is another of the natural remedies used to eliminate or remove dark circles without much effort.

That serves in two remedies, one is using the bags, and the other is to use a slice of lemon that we have previously put in the infusion.

  • Chamomile bags. For the first one, it is very simple. You only need to prepare the chamomile in bags. The water should be hot, then put the sachets aside. When the chamomile bags are no longer hot, place them on your closed eyes, covering the whole contour, where the dark circles and bags are. This trick with the bags, you can do before you see the first dark circles, will prevent them from going further.
  • Lemon slices. The second treatment is massage style with lemon slices immersed in chamomile (It is also valid to apply after tea or while waiting for the beverage to be cold). Cut the lemon into slices and let it rest on the chamomile for about 15 to 30 minutes, then massage gently into your eyes. (Obviously, you should keep your eyes closed to avoid burning.)

Treatments with Aloe Vera.

Aloe vera is a great treatment to remove dark circles under the eyes.

Aloe vera is an excellent treatment to eliminate dark circles.
Aloe vera is another of the treatments that you can do naturally in your home. There are several home remedies that you can do with this natural plant.

  • Apply a damp cloth with Aloe Vera around the eyes, boil a little water with Aloe Vera; use a spoon to mix well this infusion, once you see that the mix of water and Aloe Vera is ok, let it cool enough. Once ready, put a clean cloth in the water, and then you must apply several series of massage on the contour of your eyes. You can use this remedy regularly to remove dark circles, although it also serves to prevent the appearance of dark circles in the future. Similarly, this remedy will enhance your facial beauty by the natural chemical functions that bring the Aloe Vera.
  • Vaporization with Aloe Vera or Aloe Oil. This remedy is another of the most recommended is to vaporize a little Aloe oil and let the heat effect help treat the skin of the eyes. You can apply its oil in the form of a mask on the whole face (affecting the eye contour) for approximately 15 to 30 minutes.


Coconut has many properties that help us eliminate dark circles.

The coconut has many properties that help us remove dark circles.
Coconut is another of the most effective natural remedies to treat skin problems, dark circles, and bags in the eyes. Here are two ways to use coconut to combat dark circles and bags.

  • Coconut in small slices. This trick is to cut the coconut in small slices and apply it over your eyes for about 10 minutes. That will help your eyes absorb the properties of the coconut and remove very quickly to bags, bags, or dark circles. We recommend that the coconut is cold to get the most out of it.
  • Coconut Oil. Coconut oil brings many useful and active compounds. Apply this oil in the area or contour of the bags or dark circles for at least 10 minutes or more.

Potato slices.

Potato, like the coconut, has excellent effects on the treatment of bags or dark circles on the face. The first thing you should do is wash the potato thoroughly with water, then leave it in the refrigerator until it is cold, once it is, you must cut it into slices and apply it over your eyes.

Yogurt and Chamomile.

Chamomile and yogurt mask is very effective

Chamomile and yogurt mask is very effective
We told you that chamomile is very effective against dark circles under the eyes or to prevent the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Yogurt, on the other hand, is one of the most recommended remedies for its treatment. Any Natural Yogurt, you serve to prevent the appearance of dark circles and their elimination, try to opt for natural yogurt, and you will see that it is effective.

In the same way, not only ingesting it for help, but you can also combine it with chamomile. Mix it until you make a paste and apply a little bit around your eyes. Let it work for at least 20 minutes.


Cucumber is a classic when it comes to treating dark circles under the eyes.

You have to know that cucumber is a classic when it comes to treating dark circles under the eyes.
Cucumber is also beneficial for natural or home treatment against bags. You can cut it into slices and apply it to your eyes for about 5 to 10 minutes every day.

Shea Butter.

The oil that carries the Shea Butter will help you very pleasantly, given its positive effects on the treatment and care of the eyes.

You should apply it around your eyes for at least 10 to 20 minutes.

Lemon and tomato.

Lemon is one of the fastest, most effective, and most widely used remedies. You should cut it into slices and apply it for 30 minutes to 1 hour over your eyes. That will help you remove dark circles very quickly! And even to recover or maintain your beauty.

The same effect applies to the tomato, crush it with the juice of a lemon and place it on top of the eye contour.

Apple and olive oil.

You can make a mask by crushing a cucumber and an apple, apply it in the dark circles approximately 30 to 1 hour. Or until you see that the mixture disappears.

You can also combine it with a little olive oil and apply it to the area around the eye.

Avocado and almond oil.

Avocado oil and almond oil have a very positive effect when it comes to eliminating dark circles under the eyes.

Avocado oil and almond oil have a very positive effect when it comes to eliminating dark circles.
The avocado and almond oils are very healthy and bring vitamins for your skin. You can even mix both (or use it separately) and apply it on the edge or contour of them for 15 to 30 minutes.

Strawberry Mask.

Crush some strawberries and mix them with honey or sugar until you get a homogeneous paste, apply the natural strawberry mask on your face (especially in the eye area). That will help absorb all the compounds of this mask necessary to preserve your beauty.

Apply cold.

The cold is your great ally against the bags

One trick you can do at home is to apply an ice cube to the area or contour where the dark circles are or the inflammation caused by the bags in the eyes. The cold helps retain moisture and keep your eyes fresh and without excess water.


Baking soda can also help you remove dark circles or bags from your eyes.
You have to mix it with hot water, tea, or chamomile. Moisten a cloth or cotton wool with the mixture and apply it to the eye contour area and leave it on for 10 to 30 minutes. This way, you can get the most out of it.


Dark circles under the eyes are not the same as bags. Bags come out with time or with adverse effects on our daily lives, such as allergy, illness, or very little sleep.

Dark circles can come out for many reasons, mainly if you sleep too little or too much.

It all depends on the amount of moisture we generate in the skin that covers our eyes.

Following all the advice we have given you, you will see that in a short time you will have a contour in the skin of your eyes like new! Thanks to all these home remedies, advice, tips, and tricks that we have told you!

It is essential that you follow all these tips, because any abrupt change in your lifestyle, will make the dark circles appear again.

If you follow our advice you'll eliminate all traces of dark circles and bags.

If you want to know more tips to take care of your appearance and look more beautiful, do not hesitate to visit our beauty section.

