How do I get my natural skin color back?

Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M.D.
If you're wondering how to get my skin color back, you're in the right place. We'll tell you how to get your glow back quickly and naturally.
To recover the natural color of the skin, the melanin produced by the body must be regulated. It is also essential to avoid exposure to solar rationing. An acitional aid to recover the skin color would be a proper hydration appling moisturizers and aloe vera or oatmeal baths.
However, if you are tired of having a skin color that is not your original one and wants to lighten your skin or darken it again, you may be wondering how to recover that color you had before.
How do I get my natural skin color back?
The best way to regain your skin color quickly is to avoid sunlight altogether, as it usually changes your skin due to sunburn.
Also, eating foods that have plenty of vitamins and that moisturize you will help you recover your natural color progressively. There are also other effective treatments that you should try to see the best results in a short time.
Avoid sun exposure
Sunscreens prevent us from suffering any damage from exposure to the sun, as well as the way we get a good tan. It would be best if you always considered using them when getting a nice tan.
These are the protagonists that we achieve a tan effectively and quickly, try to avoid contact with the sun for a few weeks or a couple of months so that you can see your natural color again.
Use Aloe Vera on your skin.
Using Aloe Vera on your skin is an excellent way to recover your natural color quickly; it is advisable to use this plant with hot water to get the most out of it.
Try to put it on before or after each bath, which will increase the generative capacity of the melanin that helps the skin accelerate the original pigmentation effect (Trusted sources 1*, 2*.)
Apply small oatmeal baths
Oats are also one of the best treatments for getting a glowing skin, mainly if you apply them to it, since they have various properties for skincare, increasing its generative capacity.
Apart from recovering the color, it also helps relieve pain, injuries, and so on, it is a reasonably good home remedy if you want to regain your original skin color ( 3*, 4*.)
Practice intermittent fasting
Try the intermittent fasting, during which the production of collagen in our skin increases. It also causes the rapid regeneration of our skin cells.
There are several types of fasting, but I recommend the 20-hour fast. Complement it (in the hours you eat) with a healthy diet and proper hydration.
Give it time, and this process is slow but safe. We use fasting as a natural healing method since the beginning of humanity for thousands of years; believe me, it works ( 5*, 6*.)
Stay hydrated
Hydration is critical for your body and skin, and it is no exception. It would be best if you drank a lot of water, but many foods also have properties that help you stay properly hydrated.
You only need to consume them more frequently if you want to regain your old skin color, some of these should be the ones with Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B ( 7*, 8*.)
You can find more information in our article "The 22 best foods for health according to science."
Why does skin color change?
Melanin defines skin color, a pigment produced by skin cells. If our body produces too much melanin, our skin will darken. If, on the contrary, our body produces little of this pigment, our skin will be lighter.
We can regulate the production of this pigment naturally with some home remedies.
If your problem is discoloration in specific areas of the skin, you should go quickly to the dermatologist. You may be suffering from a skin disorder. Vitiligo causes these discolorations; its treatment and cure are very complicated, so you must go to the skin specialist.
How long does it take to get your natural skin color back?
The time it takes for your natural skin color to return will depend on the type of treatment you are doing. It will also depend on how often you do it.
It does not matter if you have dry skin or an oily complexion, if you give yourself Aloe Vera on your skin every day, the way it recovers the color will be faster than if you do it once or twice a week.
That also depends on your skin type and health. If you are a healthy person and do not have any disease, the color will return very quickly, between 1 to 2 weeks as long as you follow the treatments we recommend, however, the approximate time that the color returns is after one month after tanning.
[author] [author_image timthumb='on'][/author_image] [author_info]The article was reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josué Alvarez. Medical Doctor graduated from Medical School Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda. Área Ciencias de la Salud. •Awarded winner IV Science Fair of Research Methodology - April 2012 •Recipient of Asesor Estudiantil Institucional Scholarship •Thesis: Relationship Between Parasitosis, Anemia and Hygiene Habits in patients aged 20 yo 70 years old in Amuay, municipality of Los Taques, Falcón State, Venezuela •Thesis: Intervention Plan in Rural Healthcare in Monte Verde and La Puntica sectors, of the Amuay Community, Los Taques parish, Los Taques municipality, of the Falcón State, Venezuela. During the period March 2018 - July 2018[/author_info] [/author]