What are the benefits of face Serum? What does a Serum do?

What are the benefits of face serum? The Serum is a potent concentrate of active ingredients used to improve the skin. It penetrates the deepest layers of the surface of our face where creams cannot reach because it has twice the concentration of these. That is why its property of cell regeneration comes in such a short time.
What is the right age to use face Serum? From the age of 30, our skin begins to show signs of aging and the first wrinkles. To avoid having dull, dehydrated, and blotchy skin, we should use the Facial Serum.
From now on in this article, you will find an explanation about what a Facial Serum is, how we should apply on our skin, and you will know the properties we get from this beauty elixir when we apply it on our face.
You will also learn to distinguish which type of Serum to use according to your skin's needs.
What is Serum?
The Serum is a potent concentration of active ingredients that we need to use to improve the skin, penetrate the deepest layers of the skin where creams can not reach, having twice the concentration of these, and hence the property that you see results in a short time.
The cosmetic industry started to sell it as an anti-aging product, and as time went by, it became indispensable in beauty routines thanks to its real effectiveness in results.
How and when should it be applied to the face?
Is Serum good for face? It is light in texture and easily absorbed. The amount you should use to cover your face, neck, and neckline is only one drop. It would be best if you did not use more than that amount because the excess can saturate the skin, and thus not allow it to be absorbed inhibiting its effectiveness.
- Apply to a clean face (to improve the penetration of its active ingredients).
- With your fingertips and circular movements from the inside out.
- You have to focus in the area of the forehead, chin, cheekbones, neck, and neckline without placing it around the eyes.
What are the benefits of face serum?
You get a soft and smooth skin
For its light texture and composition, it is absorbed in seconds, making rapid effectiveness of its benefits and getting a delicate and flat surface (Trusted sources 1*.)
It helps to rejuvenate and eliminate wrinkles
It is used on the skin to rejuvenate it, give it firmness and reduce wrinkles ( 2*.)
Serum illuminates and unifies your skin's tone
Depending on the active ingredients that compose each Serum, they light or unify the skin's tone ( 3*.)
You can use it no matter what skin type you have
They can be used at any age after 30, according to our skin type (oily, combination, sensitive, or dry) and your skin needs ( 4*.)
Types of Serum:
Anti-aging Serum:
These Serums are the best allies when it comes to delaying the passage of time and keeping our skin young, due to its antioxidant action. It contains a high content of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, ingredients capable of stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.
Serum for dry and damaged skin:
It is used for immediate and lasting hydration during the day in the skin, trapping its moisture and making a face look softer and more nourished. This Serum supports the natural form of hyaluronic acid in the skin.
Concentrated Day Serum:
Forms a protective base against environmental pollutants that lodge in our skin. According to its composition of botanical oils, it can revitalize and illuminate the face daily.
Night repair serum:
It promotes cellular repair during the night. Its function is to regenerate the skin while we sleep. In this way, its components are effectively absorbed, and so in the morning, you will look younger and more rested.
Microexfoliating Serum:
They are used to exfoliate the skin, regenerating it in-depth, removing all the dead cells of the skin and the dull or tired skin. They are useful to obtain a soft, smooth, clean, and uniform complexion.
Stain-removal Serum:
Its components have a depigmenting formula ( azelaic acid, kojic acid, nicotinamide, or vegetable extracts ) that help to disappear in a significant percentage the dark spots of the skin, achieving a more uniform appearance and a radiant complexion.
Mature skin serum:
It is applied to the skin when it needs care for its vitality and is suffering the consequences of age. Its components help to nourish and stop the loss of firmness.
How do you make homemade Serum?
We can also make our Homemade Anti-Wrinkle Serum:
The Home Serums are very active on our face, due to the ingredients used in their preparation, they have a high content of active ingredients.
To make it, we will use one aloe leaf, three capsules of vitamin E, and three tablets of vitamin C.
- In a container, we will mix the liquefied gel of the aloe vera, the pulverized tablets of vitamin C, and the content of the vitamin E.
- Stir it very well and add it to the container where you are going to keep it, it should not be transparent.
The benefits of this Serum are: delay the aging of the skin cells, keep the skin young, prevent for a future the wrinkles, and improve them, restore the flexibility of the face.
Keep it closed so that it does not lose its properties. It lasts 2 to 3 weeks.
What is the point of a serum?
Serums are called that way because of their formulation because we are looking for them to have a completely different, denser texture. We can find them in the market in different ways: in fluid and emulsion. Lately, we have seen that we can also find serums in gel form.
Does the Serum replace the moisturizer?
The action of the serums is complementary to the day creams.
Should it be used alone?
The Serum will never be able to replace your day cream.
How many times a day should you use a face serum?
We can apply it twice a day. In the morning and at night, but if you ever forget, I recommend using it at night.
At night your skin will be much more predisposed to the active ingredients to act, and so the product will be able to do better action on your skin.
How long does it take for vitamin C serum to show results?
The key to the Serum's effectiveness is consistency; in one day, your skin will be more hydrated. In one week, you will notice your skin is much more even, and in one month, all the intensity and size of your spots will be visibly reduced. You will also look smoother and healthier.
What is the best Serum for over 50?
For a person over 50, I would recommend using an intense nutrition serum. This type of Serum has oils and nutrients that will revitalize mature skin. It will also minimize sagging, wrinkles, and blemishes, making you look much smoother and younger.
What are the benefits of face serum? Now that you know the Facial Serum's multiple benefits, you should choose one that suits your skin's needs.
Since each one has different ingredients that fulfill different functions, what you should keep in mind is that we get optimal results quickly and effectively.
There are several brands and various types of serums that you can also make at home to keep your skin radiant and free of blemishes.