How do you get rid of cellulite on your legs? 11 tips that actually work!!

How do you get rid of cellulite on your legs? Cellulite is a problem that affects more women because getting rid of it is not very easy. It causes many complexes when wearing a skirt, a pair of shorts, and a bikini.
But with the tips and tricks that we will give you below, you will be able to eliminate cellulite. You will also know what foods to eat to reduce it, what massages to do, and what exercise routine to practice.
First, we will explain what cellulite is, and then we will answer the question: How do you get rid of cellulite on your legs?
What is cellulite?
Cellulite or orange peel skin is a subcutaneous tissue disease that is formed by lousy circulation, genetics, sedentariness, and produces some holes in the skin. It affects both overweight and thin people.
How do you get rid of cellulite on your legs?
Drink water
Drink water every time you eat and at least 2 liters during the day. It will help eliminate toxins and fat accumulation. Avoid coffee and alcohol, and replace them with natural infusions or juices.
Eat a balanced diet
- You have to consume proteins such as lentils to build muscle, not fat.
- The ideal fruits are those rich in potassium (especially banana) that prevent water retention, and strawberries are anti-cellulite because they fight toxins and drain fluids.
- Stop water retention by eating plenty of vegetables, such as eggplant.
- Another food that promotes the elimination of toxins is Chia seeds.
- Oily fish contains Omega 3, which is a good fat that is anti-inflammatory and stimulates blood circulation.
- Green tea in infusions accelerates the metabolism and prevents the formation of cellulite.
- Onion is a natural diuretic that detoxifies the body, activates the blood flow, and then eliminates cellulite.
Activate the blood circulation in your legs
Take a bath with cold water to activate blood circulation, hold the water for 5 minutes with the cold water on your legs, placing it from your ankles to your thighs.
Be careful with your clothes and shoes.
Do not wear very tight clothing and high heels because it prevents the release of toxins into our body and hinders circulation.
Use anti-cellulite creams
It uses anti-cellulite lotions with ingredients such as caffeine and L-carnitine. Coffee breaks down fat cells by reducing the size of the holes, and L-carnitine moves the fat that can be burned and prevents it from building up.
Try lymphatic drainage
Go to see a professional specialist performing massages that act on the muscles and lymphatic vessels, thus achieving the elimination of localized fat.
Avoid sedentarism
Avoid standing or sitting too long. That contributes to the appearance of cellulite.
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
Forget about tobacco and alcohol: They are harmful factors, since smoking decreases the oxygenation of tissues, while alcohol increases the fat that accumulates.
Give yourself anti-cellulite massages.
Vigorous massages. The most effective massages to work the skin profoundly and promote circulation, are the vigorous massages performed with the hands or electric rollers.
- Massage with Lifa's hundredth glove or sponge. Please give it to the areas where cellulite is, perform it every day, and showering to improve blood circulation.
- Massage with honey. Serves to improve circulation and reduce the appearance of orange peel. You must apply a thin layer on your legs, massage with your hands for 10 minutes every morning at least one month.
Try laser treatments
Laser cellulite removal cuts the septa that cause cellulite and then melts the fat beneath it.
It then heats the skin to promote collagen and elastin production, beginning to see results after a month.
Try anti-cellulite machines.
Studies have shown that when talking about anti-cellulite machines, they are a great practical alternative, using the energy of radio waves and high-intensity sound waves.
The results will depend on the amount of fat accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue.
Home remedies to eliminate cellulite
Coffee exfoliant
Coffee exfoliant: improves blood circulation thanks to the properties of coffee.
- In a container, mix 1/2 cup of ground coffee with 1/4 cup of sugar until you get a homogeneous cream.
- Distribute it in the zones where the cellulite is with circular movements for several minutes.
- At the same time apply olive oil
- Do it 2 or 3 times a week.
Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar: thanks to its ingredients, it helps to fight cellulite and improve your appearance.
Mix 3 teaspoons of vinegar in 1/4 of water, apply to legs and massage.
Papaya: helps in the removal of dead skin cells and the production of collagen.
You can prepare it with it an exfoliant to reduce the cellulite in the following way:
- Crush 1/2 papaya into a puree and then add one tablespoon of brown sugar.
- Mix well until it becomes a paste.
- Massage it in for 5 minutes.
Exercises to eliminate cellulite.
Now we will tell you a series of exercises that will not eliminate it but combined with the previously mentioned tips will reduce it in a significant way.
- Walk, jog, run, ride a bike. These are aerobic exercises that fight cellulite because they help you lose fat.
- Squats. This exercise is useful to tone the muscles of our legs.
- Lunges. With this exercise, you will think about your skin, and it will get firmer, eliminate the accumulation of fat, and gain muscle mass.
- Donkey kicks. Lift your leg backward to strengthen the back of your legs.
- Stairs. Climb stairs, it's a calorie-burning impact exercise.
We must do exercises regularly to improve the appearance of cellulite on your legs, maintain the eating habits you have learned, and activate a consistent exercise routine.