How to have BIG buttocks in a week, tips that actually WORK!

How do you get big & firm buttocks in a week? Every woman's dream is to have a toned, big butt, but many think it's impossible because it takes so much time and effort.
How do you get big, firm buttocks in a week? No magic formula will make you grow and tone your buttocks in a week. If your purpose is to build muscle and get it in better shape, you'll need to be persistent about diet, exercise, and maintaining healthy habits.
This article will show you some tips to increase your buttocks' size in 1 week. You will also learn about toning exercises to grow and strengthen your buttocks. Finally, we will show you some masks and home remedies to get the rounder butt you desire.
The buttocks have three main muscles:
- The Gluteus maximus is the back of the pelvis, being the muscle with the most volume. Therefore, if you tone your buttocks well, they will look more convex.
- The gluteus medius, the lateral part of the pelvis, has a small muscle and shapes the buttocks' profile.
- Finally, the gluteus minimus is where you can see the hips' contour and the muscle that accumulates the most fat.
How to have significant and firm buttocks in a week?

Change your diet.
First, I must tell you that you must maintain a healthy diet with a high content of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
It would be best to maintain your ideal weight to avoid accumulating fat in areas like the buttocks. You have to avoid getting unnecessary body fat.
If you start accumulating fat in the buttocks area, they will grow but in a very unattractive way.
Focus on consuming plenty of protein
Proteins are indispensable for muscle growth. You can achieve that if this type of protein consumption is correct. Combined with exercise, they will increase the size of your buttocks.
Among the foods that are a source of protein are:
- Eggs.
- Salmon.
- Tuna.
- Skinless chicken.
- Turkey
- Beans.
- Lean meats.
- Vegetables.
- Cottage cheese.
- Soy.
- Nuts.
About the meats, they have to be lean and unprocessed. Also, you have to bake the fish, not fry it.
Foods such as whole grains avocados are also healthy proteins; whenever you eat proteins, you should accompany them with vegetables (juices, salads, steamed vegetables), especially if they are meat or fish.
Choose the correct type of carbohydrates and fats.
Don't cut carbohydrates and fats from your diet entirely; instead, substitute other, healthier options. Avoid consuming too many calories from lousy food by eliminating processed carbohydrates such as chips and pasta.
You can find healthy carbohydrates in:
- Brown rice.
- Quinoa.
- Whole oat grains.
- Whole-grain bread.
- Sweet potato.
Healthy fats also come in, such as:
- The cold-pressed vegetable oils include coconut, olive, sesame, evening primrose, wheat germ, and flax.
- Avocado. Avocado is a food that will help you have a bigger butt because it contains proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
- Nuts and seeds.
- Egg yolk.
- Bluefish.
- Fish oil. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that help increase the size of your butt.
- Extra virgin olive oil.
- Almond butter.
- Peanut butter.
These sources of healthy fats help lose weight, tone up the buttocks and increase their volume. They also influence metabolism, so they allow us to lose weight.
Vegetables help you enlarge your muscles. For this reason, you will have to add veggies to each meal. That will increase energy levels, and therefore, you will be able to do a more energetic workout without getting tired.
The vegetable component helps you grow your butt muscles as an amino acid.
For the gluteal muscles to grow, you must eat well, exercise them, and REST.
You heard it right; the muscle does not grow when you eat or train it. Instead, the muscle mass develops when it rests; this is when our tissue develops.
Finally, for the gluteal muscles to relax and regenerate while you sleep, avoid tight clothing in this area.
Choose appropriate supplements
Multivitamins give you those doses of energy you need to exercise. Plus, consuming the energy bars helps you grow muscle mass, while collagen supplements make your skin firmer and your muscles look more toned.
Choose the proper clothing.
This tip is essential if you want to lift and accentuate your butt immediately.
- Wear underwear to lift your buttocks. If you want to accentuate your buttocks more, many garments lift the buttocks, such as Push up bras, which you can get with or without padding. They always have to be worn under dresses, pants or shorts.
- Wear a girdle. If you wear a corset, you push excess fat from the abdomen to the hips, making the buttocks look more prominent because they extend the hips more.
- Find the fitting pants to accentuate your buttocks. It would help if you chose tight high-waisted jeans. It would be best to do this because they are buttoned at the minor part of the waist, making it look slimmer, and the buttocks and hips will look more prominent.
Be consistent with your exercises.
To get a quicker toned butt, be consistent in your exercise routines, no matter how simple.
Do cardio, also do exercises like squats and strides to get a bigger butt. Besides lower body exercises, don't forget core and upper body movements. You want a balanced body, right?
In addition to cardio and bodybuilding, I recommend yoga. Positions like the dove help you improve muscle strength and endurance in your butt.
Moisturize your skin every day
Moisturizing your skin won't make your buttocks grow or change their shape, but it will be ideal for firming the skin on your buttocks. It will also help you prevent cellulite and stretch marks.
Use moisturizing creams with essential and vegetable oils, such as avocado oil, argan almond oil, jojoba oil; apply with massages and circular movements.
Butt enhancing creams.
Butt enhancing creams are also helpful in growing your gluteal muscles. However, look for the one that is not harmful to your health; in fact, you should focus on organic brands.
Those organic butt enhancement creams help tone and tighten the skin over time. However, it usually takes at least three months to see results after daily application.
Exfoliate the skin of the buttocks
The exfoliation serves to remove dead cells and soften the surface. It also reactivates blood circulation. Peeling once or twice a week will help firm your butt and prevent sagging.
To exfoliate the buttocks, you should do it at the moment of showering, with an exfoliating gel massaged in a circular motion to penetrate the skin.
Drink herbal infusions
Make infusions of herbs like fenugreek, which naturally helps you have a bigger butt.
To do this, you must soak the fenugreek seeds in water and leave them there overnight. The next day you have to drink this water on an empty stomach. It helps your ass get bigger.
You can also make an infusion: boil a spoonful of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for about 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it stand for 10 minutes; strain this preparation. Drink a cup every day.
What are the best exercises for the buttocks?
To strengthen and enlarge your buttocks, keep in mind that there are three muscles: the major gluteus, the middle gluteus, and the minor gluteus.
For this reason, when developing a routine of exercises to tone up the three types of muscles that your butt has. It would be best to exercise them at least three times every week.
- To perform this exercise, you must stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart, your back straight, and your buttocks backward.
- Place a bar with a moderate weight. You can also use two dumbbells, one in each hand.
- Do a slow downward squat at a 90-degree angle.
- Stay in that position for 1 second and use the weight to push up with your buttocks tight.
- You must do three sets of 15 reps.
- To do the squats, you must maintain an excellent upright back posture and open chest instead of bending over and having a wrong position. That keeps your legs involved and your buttocks working harder.
- If you don't have a bar or a pair of dumbbells, use a water container doing the same movement.
Band Squats
For this exercise, you will do some squats and elevations of the leg to the side, using a rubber band to make a more considerable effort.
You must perform two series of 15 repetitions on each leg'. Band squats are one of the best butt toning exercises you can do.
Sumo squats
- To do this, you must place your feet apart and go down with your back straight.
- You can do this with your body weight or a bar. You can also use weights on your arms or something that looks like a book at chest level.
- There will be three sets of 20 repetitions.
Squats with lateral leg raise
To perform squats, you have to:
- You have to do this kind of squat as if you were doing the sumo squats.
- When you go up, you must raise your leg to elbow height.
- Do two sets of 15 repetitions, alternating each leg.
Pistol Squats
- To perform this exercise, you must have your arms stretched out in front of you.
- Then you will go down with one leg, stretching the other leg out in front.
- You have to do three series alternating 15 repetitions with one leg and then 15 repetitions with the other.
Jump squat on stairs or box
- To perform this squat, do a regular squat.
- Then you grab a push to climb up a step or crate.
- Then you jump, making the same movement to the next step.
- You should do as many repetitions as you can in one minute by marking the steps well.
- If you do it on the stairs, make sure the stairs are extensive for your safety.
Donkey Kicks
- Get into a quadruped position, with your feet and hands on the floor.
- Hands should be shoulder-width apart and knee below the hips.
- Keep one leg on the floor while the other leg is raised backward by flexing your abdominal muscles.
- Lift your leg until your foot faces the ceiling and your knee is parallel to the rest of your body.
- Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly return the knee to the floor.
- You have to perform this exercise in 3 sets of 20 repetitions with each leg.
Swiss ball leg curls
- You have to lie on a mat. Place your heels on top of the ball to do this exercise.
- The body should be straight from head to toe. Your arms can rest at your sides or cross in front of your chest.
- You have to roll the Swiss ball towards you by flexing the knees and squeezing the glutes.
- You have to contract the abs, and the hips should follow with your body movement.
- Finally, you must perform this exercise in 3 sets of 15 reps.
Hip thrust
- You have to lie on your back with your feet flat and make sure they are wider than hip-width apart.
- Then you should place a barbell over the hips (over the pubic bone) or two dumbbells, if necessary. You can also use a pillow under your hips for more comfort.
- Tighten the abs and squeeze the glutes.
- Lift the hips as high as possible and press them into the bar.
- You should also push your heels to the floor, squeezing the glutes at the top of each rep.
- You must do 2 sets of 15 repetitions.
Also, you can do a single-leg hip thrust if you find it too easy to do with both legs at first.
The Glutebridge
- To perform the exercise, you must lie on your back with your hands at your side.
- You should rest your feet on the floor just after your buttocks.
- You have to place your hands should on the floor.
- Press your hands against the floor.
- Raise your hips until your torso is in line or above your leg.
- You will hold this position for a few seconds.
- Then lower your hips to return to the starting position.
- You have to do three sets of 10 repetitions.
- It would be best if you did not let your backbend or curve in any way.
If you already have an advanced level, I recommend including the Hip Thrust in your routine; you can find more information here.
Stretching exercises
This type of exercise is essential to do before and after the workout. Stretching improves flexibility, avoids muscle tension, and complements any routine.
If you're thinking of joining the gym, here's a beginner's routine for women. You'll also find another excellent leg and butt routine here.
Home remedies to grow bigger buttocks
Olive oil and vaseline
In the old days, extra virgin olive oil for bigger buttocks was a common remedy combined with vaseline.
You must rub the oil and vaseline on your buttocks. Then you lie down in bed, putting a heating pad over the area to soften fat cells for faster growth.
You can combine this remedy with an exercise or leave it overnight before washing it off the following day.
Banana and honey mask
These two ingredients are an ideal combination for firming the buttocks, as the banana will give firmness to the buttocks, while honey will provide you with smooth and glowing skin.
- One banana or ripe banana.
- Two tablespoons of honey.
- Crush the banana very well until it forms a puree.
- Then add the two spoonfuls of honey and mix until you form a homogeneous paste.
- Then apply it to the buttocks with a gentle massage
- Leave it on for 40 minutes, then remove it with warm water.
- You should do this process three times a week.
Plum, almond, and rosewater mask
This mask provides you with vitamins and minerals to make your skin look smoother, and it also lifts your butt and makes it more powerful.
- Nine medium-sized plums.
- Ten drops of almond oil
- Rosewater.
- Crush the plums into a puree.
- Add drops of essential oil and rose water.
- Apply this cream to your buttocks every morning with gentle circular movements.
- To help it absorb better, leave it on for 39 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Cucumber, Avocado, Yogurt, and Aloe Mask
The union of these ingredients will tone up your buttocks, bring softness to the skin, eliminate toxins and reduce blemishes.
- One cucumber.
- One avocado.
- 160 grams of unflavored yogurt.
- Chunks of aloe vera gel.
- Make a puree with avocado and cucumber.
- Add the yogurt and the small pieces of aloe vera.
- Mix all the ingredients until they form a cream.
- Apply it to the buttocks, leave it on for 20 minutes and remove it with cold water.
Red apple mask
Apples remove dead skin cells, thanks to their high malic and tartaric acid content.
Also, its antioxidants content stimulates the production of tissues that give higher volume and firmness to the buttocks.
Ingredients: 2 red apples
- Cut the apples in half and remove the seeds.
- Then place them with the skin in a crusher or blender until you get a paste.
- Then apply it to the buttocks with massages and let it work for 30 minutes.
- Remove with cold water.
- Repeat this process three times a week.
Fennel helps to increase hormone levels, promoting the accumulation of fatty tissue in the buttocks to increase their thickness and size.
To prepare it, boil a spoonful of fennel seeds in a cup of water for 5 minutes.
Then let it stand for 10 minutes and strain.
I recommend drinking 1 or 2 cups daily.
Homemade cream to enlarge the buttocks.
- Nivea cream (4 big spoons).
- Vitamin E (2 tablespoons).
- Olive oil (2 tablespoons).
- 2 capsules of Omega 3.
- Place the Nivea cream in a bowl, add the Omega 3 capsules, then the vitamin E, and finally the spoonfuls of olive oil.
- Turn over to mix all the ingredients.
- Apply to the buttocks with circular and upward massages to penetrate the cream.
- Leave it on for 10 minutes.
- Use it at bedtime every day.
The bottom line
You've probably heard a lot about how to grow your butt muscles, but what you may not have realized is that diet and exercise are two of the most critical factors. Resistance training exercises combined with a healthy protein diet will help you build up those buttocks!
Other options are available if these don't work for you or aren't possible because of health concerns. Home remedies like extra virgin olive oil with vaseline or butt-enhancing creams can also be effective methods to increase the size and shape of your rear end.
To see which ones we recommend, visit our blog post on the 10 best home exercises for glutes for growing a bigger butt! In addition, our articles provide more information on this topic and many others related to the subject, so please visit us regularly for more content on beauty, nutrition, fitness, and health issues.
DISCLAIMER: does not provide medical advice, examination, or diagnosis.
Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M D.