11 Tips on How to Get Rid of Love Handles that Actually Work!

You want to get rid of your love handles but don't know where to start.
It's hard to know where to start when trying to lose weight. Do you cut out carbs? Start running? Give up chocolate forever?
We've got the solution for you. In this article, we'll give you tips and exercises to help get rid of your love handles for good.
11 Best Tips on how to get rid of love handles
Combine aerobic exercises and resistance training
Losing the calories you've ingested isn't accessible if you spend hours in front of the television.
To help you lose fat and get rid of love handles, you need to combine aerobic exercise with abs exercises.
Aerobic exercise, such as running or biking, helps burn calories and lose body fat.
Abs exercises, such as crunches or sit-ups, help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and your whole upper body.
When you combine aerobic exercise with abs exercises, you can quickly lose body fat and get rid of love handles.
Combine aerobic exercise (running, swimming, cardio machines), 25 - 40 minutes, 3 times a week, and anaerobic (sit-ups every day to work upper, lower, obliques).
Eat a Healthy Diet
Losing body fat is not that complicated. However, in addition to aerobic exercise and abs exercises, you should also eat a healthy diet.
Eating unhealthy foods, such as fast food or processed snacks, can make you gain weight and make your love handles worse.
Healthy eating includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
When you eat a healthy diet, you can achieve weight loss and get rid of love handles and abdominal fat.
Eating unhealthy foods, such as fast food or processed snacks, can make you gain weight and make your love handles worse. A healthy diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
Take care of your posture.
It's critical to maintain good posture while exercising, especially with your back straight and abdomen in.
A bad posture can worsen your love handles, such as hunching over or slouching.
Maintaining good posture will help you look thinner and help you get rid of love handles.
Keep your back straight, and your stomach pulled in when sitting or standing. That will help you maintain good posture and help you get rid of love handles.
It's critical to maintain good posture while exercising, especially with your back straight and abdomen in. Lousy posture can worsen your love handles, such as hunching over or slouching.
Reduce fat consumption
Fat consumption is a component of a nutritious diet, but it should be limited to only small amounts and must be healthy and avoid weight gain.
Fat should not account for more than 30% of the energy we consume. Therefore, we should avoid eating pastries, fried foods, and fast food. Instead, we should eat nuts and olive oil (4 tablespoons a day).
Reduce your pasta, sugar, and bread intake while increasing your fish white meats like chicken or eggs.
It would be best if you ate fat, so you must eat healthy fats. Avoid eating fast food and processed snacks high in unhealthy fats. Instead, eat nuts and olives (4 tablespoons a day).
Add white fish meats like chicken or eggs to your diet. Consume pasta, sugar, and bread in moderation.
Consume a wide range of meals in modest amounts.
To avoid getting low, eat five times a day to keep your blood sugar level stable. Then binge eating happens because you overindulged.
Try to have a piece of fruit, low-fat yogurt, some fresh cheese, and half a turkey sandwich with whole-grain bread at the mid-morning/mid-afternoon.
If you eat dairy products high in calcium, you will help strengthen your bones and abdominals. You may also lose more body fat than if you don't eat anything for hours.
Beware of alcohol and sugary drinks.
Alcohol and sweetened beverages are very caloric and give you a tummy if consumed regularly.
A glass of red wine has the same calories as a can of Coke. Likewise, a Margarita has more than a Big Mac.
Avoid drinking alcohol and sweetened beverages if you want to get rid of love handles.
Alcohol and sweetened beverages are very caloric and give you a tummy if consumed regularly. For example, a glass of red wine has the same calories as a can of Coke. Likewise, a Margarita has more than a Big Mac.
Drink plenty of water
To eliminate excess fat and toxins, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day.
Please do not drink it all at once. Instead, drink it throughout the day, with meals, before, during, and after exercise.
Water is essential for good health and helps you lose weight and get rid of love handles.
You should drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day to eliminate toxins. Please do not drink it all at once. Drink it throughout the day, with meals, before, during, and after exercise.
Avoid bloating
You should eat fiber every day to help regulate your intestinal transit. Women need about 28 grams per day, which you can get from bread and whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and legumes.
Avoid sparkly beverages or chewing your food quickly to avoid too much air (do not overindulge in chewing gum).
Some foods can give you gas and make your stomach swell. To avoid this feeling, take digestive infusions of chamomile, anise, fennel, mint-pennyroyal after eating.
Because fruit eaten between meals can slow digestion, it is best to eat it before or after a meal.
Apply moisturizing creams
The ups and downs of weight can cause white or pinkish streaks on your belly. To avoid this, put moisturizer on your stomach after showering.
Beauty products cannot make you lose weight, but they can help you get rid of love handles.
The ups and downs of weight can cause white or pinkish streaks on your belly. To avoid this, put moisturizer on your stomach after showering.
Use slimming creams
Some creams help burn belly fat while firming the abdominal area. If you are looking to reduce the appearance of love handles, you can apply these creams morning and evening.
Some creams help burn belly fat while firming the abdominal area. If you are looking to reduce the appearance of love handles, you can apply these creams morning and evening.
Do not eat late at night.
If you go to bed with a full stomach, you're more likely to store the food you ate as fat. So it is better to eat two or three hours before going to bed.
If you go to bed with a full stomach, you're more likely to store the food you ate as fat. So it is better to eat two or three hours before going to bed.
Best exercises to get rid of love handles
Planks, side planks, and Pilates exercises are the best exercises to help you get rid of love handles.
Planks, side planks, and Pilates exercises are the best exercises to help you get rid of love handles.
Do not eat late at night
If you go to bed with a full stomach, you're more
You need to form a straight line with your abs to do a plank from head to toe.
Start in a high plank position with your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
Your body should be in one long line, and you should be looking down at the floor.
Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Pilates is also a great way to work your core and get rid of love handles.
You can do many different Pilates exercises, but the essential Pilates move is the plank.
- To do a basic Pilates plank, you need to form a straight line from head to toe with your abs engaged.
- Start in a high plank position with your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
- Your body should be in one long line, and you should be looking down at the floor.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Side plank
The side plank is a great exercise to work your obliques and help you get rid of love handles.
- To do a side plank, you need to form a straight line from head to toe with your abs engaged.
- Start in a high plank position with your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
- Your body should be in one long line, and you should be looking down at the floor.
- Lift your right hand and extend it straight up toward the ceiling.
- Rotate your torso to the right so that you're now looking at your right hand.
- Make sure your hips stay in line with your shoulders and do not move forward or backward.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
One hand toe touch
Another great Pilates move to work your abs and help you get rid of love handles is the one hand toe touch.
- To do this exercise, you need to start in a high plank position with your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
- Your body should be in one long line, and you should be looking down at the floor.
- Lift your right hand and extend it straight up toward the ceiling.
- At the same time, lift your left leg and reach for your toes with your left hand.
- Make sure you keep your back flat and do not let your hips move forward or backward.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
Stretching is a great way to help you get rid of love handles.
You can do many different stretches, but the basic stretch you need is the side stretch.
- It would be best to stand with your feet hip-width apart to do a side stretch.
- Extend your right arm straight up toward the ceiling and bend your left elbow, bringing your hand to your left hip.
- Make sure you keep your back flat and do not let your hips move forward or backward.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
The bottom line
Love handles are a common problem for both men and women. While they can be tough to get rid of, there are plenty of exercises and tips that can help you achieve the desired results.
We've provided some helpful information in this article, but if you want more advice or support, be sure to check out our other posts on getting rid of love handles.
With a little bit of hard work and dedication, you can finally say goodbye to those pesky love handles for good!
DISCLAIMER: buildyourbody.org does not provide medical advice, examination, or diagnosis.
Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M D.