Can Milk Help Heartburn? The Truth Exposed!

Can milk help heartburn? Milk is an excellent source of calcium and other nutrients, but it can also be hard on your stomach.
Millions of people drink milk daily, but many don't realize that milk can cause stomach problems.
You're not alone if you're struggling with stomach problems after drinking milk. Doctors say that up to 75% of the population has trouble digesting milk.
Can milk help heartburn?
No, milk is not effective in treating heartburn. Milk may worsen heartburn by stimulating the production of stomach acids. You should avoid milk as a heartburn remedy.
Milk has some components that are not very easy to digest. We're not just talking about lactose, the most common and to which more and more people are intolerant.
Milk contains a protein that can release a hormone that causes acid production in the stomach. That is why it is not good to drink milk if you have heartburn. So please don't drink it.
Effects of milk on the stomach
The pH of milk is neutral, around 6.5-6.7. That means that it is neither acid nor alkaline.
But milk contains lactic acid, which is a type of organic acid. Lactic acid can increase the level of acidity in your stomach.
So, if you have heartburn, drinking milk can worsen by increasing the amount of acid in your stomach.
Milk also contains a protein called casein. Casein can release a hormone called gastrin in your body. Gastrin causes your stomach to produce more acids.
That is why you may feel more pain and burn after drinking milk when you have heartburn.
In summary, milk may temporarily relieve heartburn because it coats the stomach lining. But it can make heartburn worse in the long run by stimulating the production of stomach acids. Therefore, you should avoid milk as a heartburn remedy. There are other, more effective ways to treat heartburn.
What is heartburn, and what causes it?
According to our doctor Nathaniel Josue, Heartburn is a burning sensation in your chest that may be caused by stomach acid rising into your esophagus. Common heartburn triggers include eating fatty or spicy foods, lying down after eating, and consuming caffeine or alcohol. If you experience heartburn often, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Does milk help heartburn?
Studies have shown that milk is one of the foods that stimulate the generation of these acids in the stomach, so milk is not recommended as a heartburn remedy. You may find that milk temporarily relieves your heartburn, but it will likely worsen your symptoms in the long run.
Foods to avoid if you have heartburn
There are a few foods that are known to trigger heartburn symptoms. You may want to avoid or limit your intake of these foods if you experience frequent heartburn:
• Fatty or fried foods
• Spicy foods
• Tomatoes or tomato-based products
• Citrus fruits and juices
• Mint
• Garlic
Foods that help relieve heartburn.
If you suffer from heartburn, some foods can help relieve your symptoms:
- Ginger: Ginger is a natural stomach soother. You can take ginger in capsule form, as a tea, or add it to your food.
- Fennel: Fennel is an herb that can help reduce heartburn. You can take fennel as tea or add it to your food.
- Yogurt: Plain yogurt can help to soothe your stomach and reduce heartburn.
- Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a bland food that can help to soak up stomach acids and calm your stomach.
Home remedies for heartburn relief
There are several lifestyle changes you can make to help relieve and prevent heartburn symptoms:
Avoid trigger foods
Fatty or spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, garlic, onion, chocolate, mint, caffeine, and alcohol can all trigger heartburn.
Eat smaller meals
Eating smaller meals more frequently can help reduce the amount of stomach acid produced.
Avoid lying down after eating.
Wait at least 3 hours after eating before lying down. That gives your stomach time to digest food and reduces the risk of heartburn.
Wear loose-fitting clothes
Tight-fitting clothing can put pressure on your stomach and make heartburn worse.
Sleep with your head elevated
Elevating your head during sleep can help prevent stomach acids from rising into your esophagus.
When to see a doctor
If you experience frequent or severe heartburn, you should see your doctor. Heartburn may be a symptom of another medical condition, such as GERD or an ulcer. Your doctor can determine the cause of your heartburn and recommend treatment options.
Final words
If you are experiencing heartburn or any other symptoms after drinking milk, try eliminating dairy from your diet for a week and see if your symptoms improve.
If they do, you know that dairy is your problem food. There are plenty of great substitutes for milk out there, so don't worry.
We hope this article has helped clarify some confusion about milk and stomach problems. For more information on this topic and others like it, please read our other articles on
DISCLAIMER: does not provide medical advice, examination, or diagnosis.
Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M D.