Losing Weight in a Week, Shock Plan

How To Lose Weight In A Week: The Infallible Plan
¿Losing weight in a week?. Many people want to lose weight quickly because they have a couple of extra pounds in their body that they want to eliminate as soon as possible.
And if you want to find a solution to the question of how to lose weight in a week, you have to know that starving, not eating at all... is useless.
The fact of not eating takes away energies and forces from your body, which you need yes or yes to perform all your daily activities.
The answer is to follow a light but balanced and balanced diet so that you can incorporate the essential nutrients your body needs on a daily basis.
How much weight can you lose in a week?: An Ideal Meal Plan
To make this diet more comfortable and easier to plan, it is divided into each day of the week.
However, this is not definitive, you can combine or make modifications of food dishes between one day and another, according to what you want to eat on each particular day.
The important thing, always, is that you respect the amount of food and portions you have to have or you will not be able to lose weight in a week.
- Breakfast: Cup of infusion (coffee or tea) and a slice of toasted bread. If you want, you can add a seasonal fruit.
- Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and vegetable "panaché" (as many as you want).
- Dinner: Large cup of infusion to taste accompanied by a slice of toasted bread and a portion of skimmed fresh cheese.
- Breakfast: Skimmed yogurt of the taste you like.
- Lunch: Piece of grilled tuna with salad (the piece of tuna should be about the size of your hand).
- Dinner: A medium bowl of broth or soup without meat or vegetables.
- Breakfast: In this diet, you will not have to add milk to any of your infusions, even less if this milk is whole and not the "skimmed" version. Then accompany your usual infusion with the ingestion of a previously boiled egg.
- Lunch: Boiled rice accompanied with steamed vegetables.
- Dinner: a piece of veal with tomato salad and eggs. Season with lemon or vinegar.
- Breakfast: Repeat Monday breakfast.
- Lunch: Piece of boiled chicken with salad (remove the fat and skin from the chicken).
- Dinner: Boiled rice with crumbled tuna.
- Breakfast: Cup of sugar-free cereals accompanied by skim milk.
- Lunch: A grilled chicken portion and a large fruit salad.
- Dinner: Broth with vegetables.
- Breakfast: Skimmed yogurt with the flavor of your choice.
- Lunch: Piece of boiled chicken meat with vegetable panaché.
- Dinner: Plate of boiled rice.
- Breakfast: Cup of chocolate and sweet biscuits.
- Lunch: Piece of roast veal with a vegetable salad to taste.
- Dinner: Bowl of sugar-free cereals with milk.
Final Recommendations
This one-week weight loss shock plan is very effective, but we always recommend complementing it with physical activity (especially brisk walking, swimming or cycling).
Our nutritionist recommends not to do more than one week a month, then we will continue with our personalized diet.
Remember that you have to calculate the calories your body needs for your goals (lose weight, maintain or increase).
Tell you that if you want to lose weight you can do it by changing your habits a little.
Finally, recommend that you go to a nutritionist for a personalized diet.