How can I make my period start? 12 Methods that Work!

Do you want to know how to make your period come? The menstrual cycle is a natural process that happens in the body of women. It’s also known as “period” or “menstrual bleeding.” This article will provide information on what causes menstruation and start it using some simple methods.
If you are looking for ways to make your period start, this article has all the answers! You will learn about different methods and their pros and cons to choosing which one suits you best. Read on now!
What is the Menstrual Cycle?
A woman's menstrual cycle is the regular flow of blood from her uterus through her vagina, which occurs every month as part of a natural process. The average length of one cycle is 28 days, ranging from 21 to 35 days in duration.
The typical menstrual cycle has three stages: follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases. Each phase has its own unique functions.
By the end of the cycle, an ovum has been released from a woman's ovary and travels through the fallopian tube to her uterus. Fertilization, if it occurs, takes place in the fallopian tube during this phase. If fertilization does not occur in this month, the lining of the uterus thickens, blood flow decreases, and menstruation occurs.
How can I make my period start?
Making love
If you want to start your period immediately, have sexual intercourse. Your cycle may last 2-5 days for every act of sex. Making love is a good way to induce your period if you need it urgently or don't want to waste time taking tablets.
But it's not just the act of making love that can make your period come. The hormones released during the climax can also contribute to speeding up the arrival of your period, and we all know how much you love a good release!
When someone has an orgasm, the cervix can rip and take away your menstrual blood pressure. Orgasms involve contractions that may cause the dropping of uterine tissue linings.
The good news is that the climax causes dilation which creates a "suction" effect where blood falls down from up into the vagina.
That can sometimes also induce contraction so shedding uterus lining happens too.
Hormonal birth control
First, you have to avoid low estrogen levels that can lead to hot (flashes,) vaginal dryness, and frequent urinary tract infections.
The combo medicine that contains estrogen and progesterone is the most effective medication for reliable birth control and controlling irregular periods.
For 21 days you take hormonal pills then don't use them or take it as a daily pill for 7 days, so the person can even skip her period by taking birth control without having to worry about pregnancy!
Use hormonal contraception like birth control pills or the ring to control irregular menstrual cycles and combined pills are the only effective ways to control your periods.
If you're taking a combined hormonal birth control pill (with estrogen and progestin), the output tone of voice will generally be formal.
You'll get your period whenever you reach the week with placebo pills, so if want to change this schedule up, usually just take that placebos earlier or later than directed.
Douching and special soap
This method is mainly used by women who have recently given birth. This is because Douching makes your vagina clean, hence inducing menstruation.
But this method does not always work because sometimes it only "washes out" your uterus. In addition, using soap in your vagina can influence the normal pH values of your vagina and interfere with hormonal balance leading to an undesired effect on the menstrual cycle.
Get in the bath to relieve stress, and prevent mental and physical health risks! A warm water soak can do wonders.
It will soothe your aching muscles, relieve emotional stress, and increase circulation to help regulate menstruation cycles.
To start your period you have to relieve emotional stress, breathe more deeply, and relax. This method is based on the principle that stress can prevent your period from starting when you don't want it to, but relaxing may also make your period arrive earlier.
This method assumes that physical exertion can influence the amount of estrogen and other hormones in our bodies. To start your period, therefore, perform a regular exercise for 30 minutes.
However, don’t overdo exercise. It can be detrimental to period duration by too much exercise. Running and weightlifters may have this problem.
Excessive exercise reduces estrogen concentrations which cause periods to stop. Because of exercising.
A warm bath with baking soda
Hot water stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, which is very important to having a period.
- Put 5 spoonfuls of baby powder or baking soda into your bathwater.
- While taking a bath, try to let the water out of the bathtub as much as possible and stay in the tub for 15 minutes.
You can achieve the same effect by putting warm water bottles on your abdomen or back. You should wear these hot packs for a few hours before trying to induce menstruation.
Parsley is used in many cultures around the world to promote menstruation and uterine contractions. It contains a high amount of Vitamin C.
Pregnant women should not drink parsley tea because it contains a high amount of apiol which is toxic for them.
The best way to make this type of tea is by pouring hot water over two tablespoons worth of fresh parsley leaves and letting it steep for five minutes before drinking.
Coffee enemas
A coffee enema can help to bring on a period. Coffee helps the liver, which in turn stimulates the release of bile. Bile combined with coffee has a strong stimulating effect because it is rich in magnesium and potassium.
Magnesium increases estrogen levels, and potassium decreases testosterone levels in the body. Both of these hormones stimulate the uterus to contract and start your menstrual period. Coffee enemas are usually used for detoxification purposes. You should do this method only with the help of a qualified doctor.
Healthy diet
A healthy diet can help you regulate your periods. Excessive consumption of fat or sugar prevents ovulation, and you will not have a period. It is recommended to eat lots of fresh vegetables, grains, and fruit to prevent the lack of menstrual periods.
Vitamin E pills
According to scientific evidence, women who experience menstrual cramps and pain may find relief in a little Vitamin E. In a study by Tarbiat Modarres University, they found out that taking vitamin E can help regulate your period and even reduce other symptoms like mood swings or irritability.
You may need at least 200 mg/day of vitamin E to produce your period. The health of the liver is a key factor in regulating menstruation. Magnesium chloride is an excellent supplement for regulating menstruation.
Magnesium can be used to help you get your period when you don't want it, but you should talk with a doctor about dosage amounts and sources of magnesium supplements before using them, as you may need more than you realize.
Preparations containing vitamin C
Vitamin C preparations induce menstruation very effectively, but they are not suitable for regular patients. This is because of the prolonged "withdrawal bleed" that occurs following their use.
Nausea and vomiting may happen during this time. But if you do not have these symptoms, you can continue the method for one or two months to avoid future pregnancy.
The best way to start your period with peace of mind is by using herbal and dietary supplements.
The herb called Vitex can help you with your menstrual period. It delays ovulation, and you will not have a cycle if you take it regularly for several months.
Vitex stimulates the production of estrogen in our bodies which helps to regulate the uterus contractions. However, long-term use of this herb may even cause you to have permanent amenorrhea. Therefore, it is best to use the herb in combination with progesterone cream, or you can start your period by taking extra estrogen (oral contraceptives).
The Chinese herb Fo-Ti regulates menstruation because it contains phytoestrogens, which help you produce your period when you don't want it. You should use fo-ti for at least three months to regulate your periods.
Dong Quai
The herb Dong Quai stimulates the uterus, which you would normally feel like menstrual cramps. However, it will also cause you to have a period immediately if you don't want it, and you should not take this herb if you are pregnant or you may start bleeding from your vagina.
Black Cohosh
The herb called Black Cohosh has been used for many years to treat menstrual pain, and you should not take it if you are pregnant or you may start bleeding from your vagina.
What happens if I don't have a period for over six months or more (amenorrhea)?
Is it normal not to have a period of six months? There is no need to worry a lot of the time, as long as you're sure you aren't pregnant and feel fine. However, if your periods go 3-6 months without showing up or showing symptoms, see a doctor. Sometimes girls' cycles start later than others.
If you're healthy, you can go without a period for many months. This will not cause any problems at all. However, if you become pregnant and you are amenorrheic, your doctor will probably suggest you start your period in case you have a miscarriage (your periods may stop after you've had a baby). You'll also need to start your periods if you've been taking hormones to postpone a period.
If you're not healthy, you may have trouble getting pregnant for the first time (if you hadn't had sex before or had a partner for less than six months). Or you could be prone to ovarian cancer (if you are in your mid-30s and still don't have your first period).
How can I make my period start? Although you may have to wait a while for your period, you should see it as an indication that you're healthy.
You'll also need to start your periods if you've been taking hormones to postpone a period or are pregnant and amenorrheic (you stop having periods when you're pregnant). I hope this blog post was useful for you! (Trusted Sources 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*)
Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M D.