How can I get glowing skin in summer? Top 10 tips

How can I get glowing skin in summer? When summer arrives, the skin suffers a lot of damage due to sun exposure and the open air. It can suffer from dehydration, injuries, sunspots, and premature aging.
During the summer, we should take extra care of our skin, put on sunscreen, and wear appropriate clothing.
You can read this article where we answer, "how can I get glowing skin in summer? To learn about the precautions we should consider before sunbathing, learn the factors that cause skin abuse, and what foods to take in your diet to take care of your skin in the summer.
The sun is the factor that most aggravates our skin, so we must take care of it with photoprotection between 30 and 50, applied 30 minutes before exposure to the sun, and use it.
How can I get glowing skin in summer?
Precautions that we must have in the skin during the summer:
Avoid hours with more solar radiation.
Avoid exposure to the sun between 12 and 4 pm, the hours when solar radiation does the most damage to the skin.
People who have many moles, skin cancer, or a family history of skin cancer should not be exposed to the sun because the sun lowers their defenses.
We should no expose children under one year old to the sun, and those over one-year-old should use special sunscreens for children's skin (Trusted sources 1*, 2*.)
Use an SPF between 30 and 50
Apply sunscreen with protection from 30 to 50 and for the face protection 50.
We must use it in all areas of the body, including the hands, the fingers, the neck, and the ears ( 3*, 4*. )
Wear suitable clothing
You have to wear appropriate clothing such as long sleeves, pants, large hats to protect the face and glasses for eye protection, wear black clothes even if they are warmer they protect us more.
Wear SPF even if it is cloudy
Also, if the day is cloudy, you should still apply sunscreen, as the clouds let 80% of the radiation into your body ( 5*, 6*.)
Avoid treatments that inflame the skin.
In summer, you should not perform any type of peeling, laser, or laser hair removal. They are techniques that inflame the skin, and when in contact with solar radiation, spots have produced that cost to disappear, and there are even some that never fade ( 7*, 8*.)
Lead a healthy lifestyle
Lead a healthy lifestyle where you eat healthy foods. Avoid soft drinks (they contain a lot of sugar that is harmful to the skin), alcohol, coffee, not smoking, and exercise. Consume antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin D ( 9*, 10*.)
Consume alpha and beta carotenes
Prepare the skin from the inside three or four weeks before knowing that we are going to expose ourselves to the sun, by following a diet based on alphas and beta-carotenes. With this, we seek to prepare the skin to defend itself against the sun ( 11*, 12*.)
Exfoliate your skin a few days before sunbathing
A few days before you know you are going to sunbathe, exfoliate the skin so that the tan is more homogeneous and removes dead skin cells.
Use moisturizing body milk frequently.
After each bath, moisturize the skin with moisturizing body milk after sunbathing and before going to bed and not forgetting the driest parts such as elbows, knees, and heels.
Drink plenty of water
Increase water consumption from 1 1/2 to 2 liters a day to keep the skin hydrated.
Introduce alpha-hydroxy acids into your routine
Introduce the care routine of alpha-hydroxy acids (glycolic acid, citric acid, and lactic acid), renew the skin faster, and prepare it to absorb better what we are going to do. Also, introduce retinoids ( vitamin A ), increase collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.
These components should be introduced little by little, not in one go. When using them, the skin will have a burning and itching sensation. It is normal if we have these symptoms, we should moisturize the skin with products containing ceramides, pantheon, hyaluronic acid, and a barrier in the skin ( 13*, 14*.)
Watch your skin
If you notice any new blemishes, textures, abnormal moles or anything strange on your skin, see a dermatologist immediately.
Why should we take more care of our skin in the summer?
Solar radiation is the most damaging factor to the skin due to UVA and UVB rays. The sun emits UVB rays between 10 am and 4 pm, it is essential to know that we should not expose ourselves to the sun during this time, even if you have put on sunscreen.
We can run into UVA rays all day and all year round, even at 8 am or 6 pm.
What can I take to take care of my skin?
Foods that we must consume for care.
Beta-carotene is present in yellow-orange fruits and vegetables: papaya, carrots, peach, pumpkin, melon.
Vitamin E:
We can find vitamin E in sunflower, cinnamon, and soybean vegetable oils; whole cereal grains, nuts, seeds ( flax, sunflower, chia)
Vitamin C:
We can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes.
The most abundant foods in antioxidants are red fruits (blackberry, strawberry, blueberry), green vegetables (rocket, spinach, chard)
Its main component is water, and when you consume it, you will be moisturizing it and helping it to be softer and smoother.
Watermelon moisturizes and refreshes us, provides potassium and vitamin C.
Coconut water:
It is a natural moisturizer for the skin, thanks to its various vitamins and minerals.
How can I get glowing skin in summer? In that season, the skin suffers because it is more exposed to the sun's rays' damage, so you should wear appropriate clothing and protect yourself with sunscreen.
If you notice any anomaly in your skin or moles, go to a dermatologist and do not self-medicate or overlook it.