The Untold Secrets of ENZYMES In Less Than Ten Minutes

Enzymes can be the most important and, at the same time, the most neglected component of total health.
Enzymes can make the difference between a healthy and fit person and a lazy and tired one.
How can we get these marvelous enzymes? Fundamentally, by practicing the Fitness lifestyle.
Regular exercise and proper nutrition keep enzyme levels and the metabolic process high at their appropriate rate.
Fitness girls need a unique appreciation of enzymes. If muscle tissue enzymes were not working, muscle growth would not occur.
There would be no neurological responses, which are necessary to get the muscle to work.
Enzymes are catalysts that transform food into energy that produces movement and muscular progress.
Since oxygen is one of the sources of enzyme production, proper breathing, and aerobic exercise is very important for enzyme metabolism.
The more exercise we do, the higher the enzyme production.
We must follow a proper exercise program. If we do not, we may be lacking in enzymes because their production decreases with the lack of use of the muscular system.
Also, the reason that sedentary and mature people produce more tumors than among active young adults is most likely because the aerobic effects of exercise only activate some anti-carcinogenic enzymes.
Although technical information and interest in nutrition have increased dramatically in recent years, very few people, even among the most health-conscious, have realized the most important and primary factor of a genuinely valid diet: enzymes.
That is our internal pharmacy, our personal "fountain of youth."
Enzymes have their origin in all living cells, and their work is essential to the life of every cell.
The word "enzyme" derives from the Greek word "enzymes," which means 'yeast or ferment.'
There are more than 700 types of enzymes, each specializing in a different vitalized function. By acting as catalysts, proteins facilitate such essential processes:
- Food digestion.
- Transfer of food energy to muscles, nerves, bones, and glands.
- Swelling reduction in hits, fractures, hemorrhoids, dislocations, and back injuries.
- Muscle development, movement, and coordination.
- Maintenance of memory acuity, mental well-being, and psychological stability
- Protection against the dangers of pollution and toxic substances entering the body
- Urea formation, the body eliminates it through urine.
- Removal of carbon dioxide from the lungs as we breathe.
- The disintegration of cancerous tissues.
- Production of hormones in the sex glands
- General immunity and healing
It is easy to see that the disruption of any of these vital functions would be disastrous because, without them, our body is not able to produce energy to develop or repair the tissues.
As a result, we would become defenseless and begin to decline. Many diseases result from enzyme loss or deficiency.
For example, they consider enzyme failure to be the root of leukemia and other cancers.
Mental problems involve enzyme malfunction. Any enzyme deficiency or excess appears as a disease or discomfort.
Consequently, abnormal increases in the enzyme content of the blood often accompany infectious hepatitis and heart attacks.
Since a single drop of blood contains a minimum of 100,000 enzyme particles, doctors often use blood enzyme analysis in the diagnosis of disease.
Enzymes work in the style of assembly plants, in this case, moving all our vital processes so that the body can use starches, sugar, fat, and protein.
Enzymes have to be activated if they are to serve us properly. Otherwise, they remain in suspended animation and are useless to us.
One way of activating enzymes is by carefully chewing the food, which in turn helps the entire digestive system. We can experience enzymatic action in our mouth by eating a piece of any food containing starch.
The taste will soon change, producing a different sweetness, which is the result of the change of starches into simple sugars. Carbohydrates convert into sugars. They cannot be absorbed and converted into energy by the body.
If the starches are swallowed quickly or accompanied by liquids, the food passes through so fast that it doesn't mix with the enzymes.
That results in a burden on the enzymes that have to digest it in the stomach and small intestine.
As a result, the body absorbs starch partially, and the undigested part passes through the body without providing any benefit.
Therefore, eating too fast contributes indirectly to fatigue and burnout because our body lacks sufficient energy despite the food we eat.
What's a coenzyme? Despite being so powerful, enzymes have a weakness: they cannot function without the presence of other substances known as "coenzymes."
We can stimulate enzymatic functions by ensuring the intake of the required coenzymes: be they vitamins, minerals, and proteins in food and supplements.
Once they do their job, the enzymes are destroyed and removed from the body. Therefore, for life to continue, we need to have enough "effective" enzymes.
Any deficiency would lead to body imbalances and subsequent symptoms of the disease.
The enzymes only come from three sources:
- Oxygen.
- Water.
- Food.
Organically grown foods are the primary source of enzymes for most people.
Our bodies also need the vitamins that come from sunlight and heat: A, B, C, and D.
Paradoxically, the same light and heat that imparts to vitamins the qualities that provide life destroy them once the harvest has been harvested.
Therefore, we must protect the food and consume it as soon as possible to take advantage of its vitalizing freshness.
The heat destroys Enzymes: fruits, vegetables, cereals, and all unprocessed foods contain a wealth of enzymes when they are fresh.
Cooking food deprives them of their healing powers. Canning also destroys their enzymes.
We should eat raw food as clean as possible to avoid oxidation, which steals the energy from its nutrient content.
Garlic is extremely rich in enzymes; people who eat it fresh are usually free of tumor diseases.
Apart from fruits and vegetables, we can find enzymes in foods grown underground, such as legumes, peas, cereals, or other seeds.
Foods with stems would not germinate if they were not full of vigor, along with high enzyme activity and high vitamin content.
While fruits and vegetables have a lot of pulp and water which dilutes their enzyme content, the stems have much more concentrated enzyme forms.
But the stems must be eaten raw because they die when they break.
If their protective coating disappears, the contents begin to oxidize, destroying the nutritional value of these foods.
Apart from that, the oils in the stems oxidize and can become carcinogenic (cancer-causing).
The stems provide large amounts of D.N.A. (deoxyribonucleic acid) or R.N.A. (ribonucleic acid).
D.N.A. provides the genetic information of living cells, controlling inheritance, and the ability to reproduce.
R.N.A. carries these patterns throughout the body,
Therefore, our bodies need D.N.A. and R.N.A. as fortifying substances that keep us young and vigorous.
The D.N.A. and R.N.A. value of stem foods increase enormously over the benefits of other foods.
Animal tests show that old rats stay young in both activity and appearance when they include in their diet fresh stem foods.
Don't look for synthetic foods to provide the enzymes you need.
Eat fresh food to get all its enzyme content out, because the balance of nutrients, working in harmony, is what gives us the energy we need.
Our sense of taste instinctively feels the vitality of fresh, natural foods.
We must follow that instinct and accept the simple truth that dead food is not alive.
Only living nutrients can provide us with the power of radiant existence.
These foods vitalize the blood, stimulating the healthy growth of tissues, bones, nerves, and cells.
S.O.D. (superoxide dismutase) is a beneficial enzyme in preventive medicine.
It works in synergy with enzymes and other nutrients to protect cells from damage and helps in disease prevention.
S.O.D. destroys the free radicals that do so much damage to the metabolism.
It also helps the D.N.A. and consequently slows down the aging process caused by the formation of free radicals in the body.
Like worries, fear, and emotions, it has a devitalizing effect on the enzymatic digestion of food. It steals our life-giving energy even when we are eating correctly.
Therefore, we must learn to control "stress" through practices such as exercise and meditation, and we must not eat when we feel physically or emotionally unbalanced.
The body and the mind work together; we must take care of both.
The stress of any kind steals more and more energy from us, making us feel worse and lowering the quality of existence.
It is not by chance that anxiety and worry make us seem anemic and lifeless because of their negative influence on enzymatic processes.
The terrible levels of "stress" in big cities where life goes at a frightening pace contribute to high rates of crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, and other paralyzing influences that steal the spirit from young people and turn them into living corpses long before their time.
A living death is a contradiction that only ends in helplessness.
Stop the vicious circle, illuminate yourselves. Be moderate, practice the vigorous exercise that forces you to breathe deeply, expelling the poison from your lungs.
The heart will beat more strongly, and the energies of the blood will circulate more effectively through your body.
The stress will disappear as the heart and lungs are filled with the spark of life.
As a result, your mind will work better, you will sleep more soundly, and you will gain confidence in your ability to become a robust human being.
It is a reality that a relaxed body is naturally enhancing its health.
Fast and occasional fasting can help the body use enzymes.
When the stomach is temporarily empty, the enzymes, not being engaged indigestion, enter the bloodstream directly to do other beneficial work.
It is as if we are giving them a well-deserved vacation so that they can leave their food-processing work and devote themselves to other bodily functions.
Regular fasting can thus increase the efficiency and power of our immune system.
It also increases the ability to fight disease and bacterial invasion.
It also enhances the blood's ability to transport the body's most crucial element: oxygen.
However, we should not deprive the body of fuel for more extended periods than two or three days because we can suffer from unwanted chemical changes.
If you want to know the benefits of fasting, read our article "Intermittent Fasting, Diet, Feeding Schedule?
Always remember to return to nature to seek health. Nature heals through the action of enzymes.
Hormones do not work in isolation. Vitamins do not act on their own.
Minerals are useless if they are alone, proteins cannot work.
Most health-conscious people count calories. But it would be better to calculate the enzymes that regulate all physical and mental functions.
They even determine the color of the eyes and the characteristics of the children to be born.
They provide strength to our muscles and youthful elasticity to our skin.
If you want to improve your physical and mental health do not hesitate to visit our health section.