Foods That Give You More Energy, DISCOVER THEM!

How can I boost my energy?. Foods that will fill up your batteries
Foods that give more energy?. Your diet can improve your training program.
Proper foods, rich in complex carbohydrates and low in fat, will help you feel strong after many days of hard workouts.
This same diet also helps you eventually prevent heart disease and cancer.
How can I eat for máximum energy?. The Magic of Carbohydrates
Your body needs Carbon Hydrates to produce glycogen, the preferred fuel for muscles that work in all sports activities.
When your muscle glycogen deposits drop to very low levels, you feel tired, and one of two, you're forced to quit exercise or reduce intensity.
Decreased glycogen deposits
The glycogen of the muscles is progressively consumed with high-intensity resistance exercises whose duration exceeds 90 minutes, such as background runs.
But the decrease in glycogen can occur gradually, after several days of intense workouts, if more is consumed than is replenished.
When this happens, glycogen deposits decrease from day to day, and exercise is getting harder and less enjoyable.
How to replenish glycogen deposits
Muscles hurt and we feel heavy during training, making it harder to maintain normal intensity in each exercise.
We risk glycogen deposits decreasing because of training when the diet is very strict and we continue to train.
We also have that risk, when we don't eat enough carbohydrates and to replenish glycogen deposits every day.
This state of chronic fatigue can be remedied by resting for a few days and resorting to a diet rich in carbohydrates.
Such a diet will allow us to maintain the level of glycogen deposits and train intensely for longer without accusing so much fatigue.
A high-fat diet does not help replenish the glycogen lost during workouts.
Instead, a diet rich in carbohydrates replenishes the glycogen of the muscles allowing it to reach its normal level within 24 hours.
Carbohydrate Types
The type of carbohydrates is very important.
Carbohydrate compounds (starches) have a great advantage over refined carbohydrates (sweets).
This is because fruits, vegetables, bread, whole grain cereals, and legumes provide vitamins, minerals, and fibers while calories.
Carbohydrate compounds should account for 50 of daily calorie intake.
Although refined carbohydrates also produce glycogen have less or no nutrition in their calories, and nourishment is needed to extract energy from food.
If you like sweets, don't despair, you can take them as long as it doesn't exceed 10 thy daily calories.
However, if we eat large amounts of sugar, we may suffer from gastrointestinal indispositions, cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.
Sugar intake should be planned according to workouts.
A small amount of sugar, 30 minutes before exercise, can make you more tired.
Insulin that is secreted in response to sugar can reduce your blood sugar too much, making you feel weak and tired during your workout.
Try to treat yourself to sugar after training.
Planning a diet rich in Carbohydrates
With the recommendations provided in this article, you can plan a diet rich in carbohydrates.
When you're undergoing a hard workout (one hour a day, or more) you'll need to eat eight servings a day of the fruit/vegetable group, and the cereal group.
As carbohydrate consumption increases, glycogen levels of the muscles will not decrease, and this, in the long run, is what causes fatigue in workouts.
A diet rich in carbohydrates and low fats is highly recommended from a health point of view.
Fats in the diet
A high-fat diet, especially saturated fats, increases your blood cholesterol level, which is the biggest risk factor for heart disease.
A high-fat diet also increases the risk of certain cancers.
It is not advisable to decrease the fat content by choosing skimmed products from the dairy group.
In the meat group, foods that contain less fat are skinless chicken, fish, and legumes.
Many associations and institutes recommend that only 30 of the daily calories originate from fats, but most people get to consume 42.
Carbohydrates in the diet
Carbohydrate compounds are very good for health and performance, apart from being the Foods that give the most Energy.
Soluble fibers found in fruits, cereals, and legumes help lower blood cholesterol.
Insoluble fibers found in wheat and vegetables (especially skin) help keep the gut healthy.
Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables and beta carotin help prevent certain types of cancer.
When consuming foods from all four groups, in the amounts we recommend as a guide, always consider the fat and fiber content of the chosen foods.
Foods included in the fruit/vegetable group and cereal group do not contain fat.
To increase fiber ingestion, eat natural fruits and vegetables, better than juices, and opt for whole-grain products, wholegrain bread instead of white bread.
Proteins in the diet
How about proteins?. A normal person's diet contains enough proteins for muscle synthesis.
These two, in addition to being Foods that give more energy, help us build muscle or prevent the destruction of it.
Remember that high-protein diets are also often high in fat. Fats are a health risk and do not provide glycogen.
When we eat more protein than we need, the body transforms them into energy or fat.
Excess protein, well obtained in food or supplements, increases the body's need for water and can lead to dehydration.
Your kidneys need more water to remove excess nitrogen from excess protein.
A normal person gets 12% of their daily calories from protein, about 1.4 g of protein for each kilo of weight.
This is a suitable dosage for active people.
The dietary guidelines, which are usually published by nutrition study organizations, are aimed at reducing the incidence of heart disease and cancer.
They always recommend diets rich in carbohydrates and low in fats, this way you will have foods that give more energy.
These diets will help us increase our energy levels and decrease getting most common diseases.