What do antioxidants do? Why you Should have Antioxidants in your Diet!

What do antioxidants do? Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, linked to many health problems, including cancer and heart disease.
Antioxidants help fight this damage by neutralizing free radicals before they can harm cells in the body. They also work with other nutrients like vitamins C and E to support your immune system’s ability to fight off infection.
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What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are a way of reducing the amount of oxidation in your body. Antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress, a natural problem that worsens with age. Eating vegetables or fruits containing these compounds is essential for having an enjoyable old age.
Oxidation is known to cause disease and aging because it damages cells, proteins, and internal organs (such as what happens when the iron is oxidized).
Free radicals, which are unstable molecules that have lost an electron, can cause damage to cells and lead to aging. Antioxidants protect against free radical damage by providing the missing electron or donating electrons during oxidation reactions in our body's cells.
The antioxidant vitamins C and E may help prevent cell damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Other naturally occurring antioxidants include:
- Flavonoids such as quercetin.
- Tannins are found in tea leaves like gallic acid.
- Phenols including resveratrol from red wine grapes' skins along with anthocyanidins responsible for grape skin coloration.
- Lignans are known for their estrogen-mimicking effects derived from flax seeds.
What do antioxidants do?
According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, antioxidants are substances that protect your body from free radicals. According to the National Cancer Institute, free radicals are highly reactive molecules in the body produced when you digest food and by environmental exposure.
They have been linked to causing several types of cancer and other diseases like cardiovascular disease and dementia. Antioxidants work by stabilizing these molecules common in all cells to prevent oxidation so that you can enjoy a healthy life.
Where can I find antioxidant-rich foods?
According to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, it is essential to eat a healthy diet to get antioxidants. You can find them in a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. For example, fruits such as berries, apples, oranges, and even red wine contain antioxidants that you can eat.
Blueberries contain a dietary antioxidant called anthocyanin. Anthocyanin helps you feel full faster by signaling your brain that you are satiated, which reduces your desire to eat.
The antioxidants in blueberries can also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing arteries from damage and improving blood flow.
Tip: Add blueberries into your cereal or oatmeal in the morning, or you can blend them up and add them as a topping to your pancakes.
Antioxidants found in apples have beneficial health effects like reducing your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
One type of antioxidant you will find in apples is quercetin. Quercetin has been shown to reduce your risk of gastrointestinal cancer by inhibiting the growth and proliferation of tumor cells.
Another antioxidant you can find in apples is cytokinin. Cytokinins are known to boost your immune system, which you need to fight off disease.
Tip: Try making a raw apple pie with fresh apples you've picked from your local orchard.
You can find many antioxidants in oranges, including vitamin C, hesperidin, quercetin, and pectin. Vitamin C, which you will find is abundant in oranges, helps reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by removing free radicals from your bloodstream.
Hesperidin you can find in oranges may also help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by helping you increase blood flow throughout your body.
Quercetin you will find in abundance in oranges helps you fight against the flu and colds as it inhibits the replication of viruses.
Pectin you can find in oranges is a type of fiber that your body can't absorb. The fiber you get from oranges helps lower cholesterol levels and promotes digestive health by increasing your bowel movements.
Tip: Make a healthy fruit salad with all the different types of antioxidants you find in oranges.
You can find a variety of antioxidants in avocados, including beta-carotene, vitamin E, and glutathione.
Beta-carotene you can find in avocados helps you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Vitamin E, which you will find in avocados, is an antioxidant that your body uses to help fight against diseases like arthritis and inflammatory bowel syndrome. Finally, glutathione you will find in avocados helps you reduce your risk of cancer by inhibiting the formation of tumors.
Tip: Add avocados into your salad or sandwich for a healthy boost you need to fight off disease and live a happy life.
You can find antioxidants in berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and even blackberries.
Antioxidants you can find in berries include anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol. Anthocyanins you will find in strawberries help you reduce your risk of cancer by inhibiting tumor growth and proliferation. Ellagic acid you can find in raspberries prevents the formation of tumors by inhibiting mutations you may have in your genes. Resveratrol you will find in blackberries and blueberries help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Tip: Try making a healthy fruit salad with all the different types of antioxidants you can find in berries.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate provides you with cocoa flavonoids that you can use to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by improving your blood flow.
Tip: Try eating a small piece of dark chocolate every day with your breakfast or dinner. You will be happy you did.
Green leafy greens
Antioxidants you can find in green leafy vegetables you will use to reduce your risk of cancer by inhibiting the formation of tumors from mutations you may have in your genes.
Tip: Add some leafy greens into your omelet for breakfast or use it as the base for your salad.
Green tea
Antioxidants you can find in green tea you will use to reduce your risk of cancer by inhibiting tumor growth and proliferation.
Tip: Drink a glass of hot green tea with your breakfast or dinner for a healthy addition you can make to your diet.
Garlic contains a chemical called allicin, which aids in the reduction of cardiovascular disease by enhancing blood circulation.
Tip: Try using garlic to spice up your next dinner recipe for a delicious treat you will love.
Onions contain antioxidants you will use to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing your HDL cholesterol.
Onions contain a chemical called quercetin. Quercetin is used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing oxidation in LDL cholesterol.
Tip: Try adding onion to your next soup recipe for an unforgettable treat you will love.
You can find antioxidants such as lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C in tomatoes.
You will use Lycopene to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by protecting you from harmful free radicals that may cause oxidation in LDL cholesterol. Beta-carotene you will use to reduce your cancer risk by inhibiting the formation of tumors you may have in your genes. Vitamin C you can find in tomatoes, is an antioxidant you will use to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by improving blood flow and protecting you from free radicals.
Tip: Try adding heirloom tomatoes to your next sandwich recipe for a delicious treat you will love.
How many antioxidants should I be eating for a balanced diet?
It would be best if you tried to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day in your dietary intake. If you have a smoker in your home, you should increase your intake, even more to reduce the damage smoking does to your cells.
A balanced diet is needed for good health. It helps you stay in shape and lower your risk of heart disease, some form of cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.
Antioxidants are a popular choice for people looking to avoid illness because of their health benefits. They're found in many common foods you eat daily, such as fruit, vegetables, and brown rice. However, you must understand what antioxidants do before you increase your intake.
Are there any risks associated with taking too many supplements containing antioxidants?
Antioxidant supplements are powerful substances that can protect cells from damage. They exist in many foods, and they're also available as dietary supplements.
High-dose antioxidant supplements may be linked to health risks. For example, supplementing with high doses of beta-carotene is linked to increased risk of prostate cancer or lung cancer in smokers and vitamin E, increasing the chance for prostate and one type of stroke.
What do antioxidants do? Antioxidants are substances that can counteract the effects of oxidation and free radicals in your body.
These oxidizing agents have been found to cause some health problems, such as cancer or atherosclerosis. There is also evidence linking them with memory loss and other cognitive deficits.
The best way to get an antioxidant boost is by incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into every meal, but you may be surprised by how many additional sources there are! (Trusted Sources 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*)
Disclaimer: buildyourbody.org doesn’t provide medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis.
Medically reviewed and approved by Nataniel Josue M D.