What is good for weak hair?

weak hair

Why do we have weak hair? Why does it fall out? Hair loss and thinning are due to different factors, such as:

  • Genetic inheritance.
  • Hormonal changes that are consequences of childbirth or menopause.
  • When we take medication, we suffer from anemia or thyroid conditions.
  • It also becomes weak by a lack of an adequate diet and deficient in nutrients.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Stress.
  • Due to the use of inappropriate products and the heat of irons or dryers.

What is good for weak hair? When you see that your hair is falling out a lot due to thinning, stop using your blow dryer or straightener as excessive heat weakens it. When using dyes, colorings, and bleaches, use special shampoos for these types of chemicals. Finally, change your diet to strengthen your hair from the inside out.


If you want to learn more about this issue, read our article "How does hair fall out to start in women? Now we are going to answer the question ¿what is good for weak hair?

Table of Contents

What is good for weak hair?  

When you notice that your hair is falling out more than average, you get scared and don't know how to repair it.

It is often due to inadequate nutrition, problems with the products we use, or hormonal issues.

In this article, we will show you why your hair is weak and what you should do to strengthen it. We will also teach you about some home remedies to get healthier and more beautiful hair.

Tips for improving hair:

Use specific products for weak hair.

Use the right products for thin hair that are paramount to restoring hair. Never use shampoos that dry your hair and apply conditioner from the roots to the ends; then use a warm towel on your head to penetrate deep into the hair follicles. ( 1*.)

Apply masks

Apply deep conditioning treatment masks. Keep in mind that using too many products on the hair makes the hair weigh more and look much rougher and duller. ( 2*.)

Avoid products with alcohol.

Avoid products that contain alcohol, as they tend to dry your hair. If your scalp doesn't produce much oil, try removing the shampoo. ( 3*.)

Use intensive conditioning treatments

The continuous use of chemicals such as bleaching, perming, or coloring damages the hair fiber causing it to weaken.

To avoid the damage these chemicals cause, use shampoos and conditioners for damaged hair and intensive conditioning treatments. Make sure they contain fatty alcohol because it softens the hair.

For hair that is very damaged and weakened, use a deep conditioning treatment. It is applied once or twice a week after washing the hair with a moisturizing shampoo. Then leave the conditioner overnight and rinse in the morning. ( 4*.)

Eat a healthy diet

An unbalanced diet and a calorie deficit result in endocrine disorders, causing weak hair and hair to fall out. ( 5*.)

  • When you have a healthy diet, you provide nutrients to the hair. That's why you should include plenty of iron, which contributes to the production of keratin. Keratin is the protein that makes your hair healthy by improving texture and promoting growth.
  • Also, eat eggs, carrots, liver, spinach, soy, fish, low-fat cheese, and fruits and vegetables between meals.
  • Also, to keep your body working well, hydrate it properly by consuming lots of water to keep your hair healthy. Drink at least 2 liters of water daily to prevent your scalp from drying out.

Avoid stress

Stress causes damage to the organism that can be felt in the skin and hair, losing its shine and increasing the hair fiber's loss and weakness.

To control stress, maintain proper breathing, exercise, and take yoga classes. ( 6*.)

Cut it a little

If you notice that you are losing more hair than usual, the ideal would be to cut it slightly and improve its appearance. That will give you volume and allow you to apply the treatments better. ( 7*.)

Avoid pigtails and braids.

Frequently tying hair with buckles and rubbers causes it to fall out and break. Therefore, use soft accessories and use combs with crowded teeth. Do not comb wet hair either.

Massage your scalp

When using the hair treatment, gently massage the scalp by exerting a little pressure and improving circulation.

Don't wash your hair too often.

The ideal is to wash your hair every three days. If you wash it daily with strong shampoos, you will not keep the abundance in your hair.

Beware of heating appliances.

The dryer and the iron are the enemies of your hair. If you use it excessively, you cause its weakening and, consequently, breakage. When you use these instruments, we place at a low temperature, applying heat protection products.

Home remedies to prevent the weakening of the hair.

What is good for weak hair? 

Almond oil and rosemary

These oils have excellent nutritional properties for weak hair.

  • To use it, you must place a few drops of the two oils in your hands' palm.
  • Then gently rub in circular movements on the scalp to activate circulation.
  • You can also add these oils directly to your regular shampoo.

Egg white

Use the egg white because its albumen content strengthens the hair root to prevent hair loss. 

  • Beat four egg whites and apply them to the scalp with gentle massages.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse. 
  • After this, wash your hair.


The amount of sulfur contained in the onion promotes blood circulation in the scalp. That makes it practical for hair loss. 

  • It is used by extracting the juice from the onion and applying it directly to the head.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash the hair as usual. 

Use this treatment several times a week for at least three months.


Garlic is beneficial for hair growth and moisturizing the strands that are dry and fighting dandruff.

  • Cut the garlic in half and rub it on the scalp. 
  • If you notice that it is itching or burns when you apply it to your skin, you are sensitive to it, so you should stop this treatment immediately.

Olive oil

Olive oil contains many nutrients for the hair.

  • Apply two tablespoons of this oil to the hair.
  • Put on a shower cap for 10 minutes.
  • Afterward, rinse.

